ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 34

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"Ah! Its hurts freen! Hurts! Ah ah"


The sounds of moaned, and hissed, combined with scream and cries hearing from the black door room that rebecca didn't even know exist as she never went inside there. She slightly gasped and shock hearing that as her heart was sunk once she place her ear against the door, listening to freen's groaned, and moaned, mixed with a woman's moans and screams.

Rebecca can't even understand her feelings. Her eyes was glassy, her hands slowly grasp for her chest and lastly, a drop of tears rolled down from the corner of her eyes.

Why does this hurts? Why its hurts when i thought it didn't this hurts? Why freen? Why its hurting me?

That's what she was thinking, slightly wipe her tears away as she slowly stepping away with her heart and chest felt clenching and hurting. Rebecca's hands is shaking too. God, why she felt like this? Why? Freen is fucking another woman around and why she felt like this?

She should've be happy, her body is not being touch by that bastard anymore, but, look, she is sobbing over this matter.

"Rebecca?" A voices suddenly heard makes rebecca quickly wipes her tears away and she turn around only to see heng was the one that calling her, standing still at the end of the stairs. Rebecca fake a smile but heng obviously sense something is wrong. So wrong.

"Y-yes s-sir?" Rebecca said as heng shook his head and give a tint smile.

"Dont, just call me heng. Come. Lets have a late night snacks with us?" Heng said makes rebecca a little hesitate. She glance to the room where freen is with that woman once again makes heng finally understand this.

"b-but fr-freen—-"

"Let her be. Come!" Heng said happily makes rebecca slightly nod and walk to the downstairs where she saw billy, Nam and heng already at the living room, with ton of snacks on the small table while watching a movie. There, rebecca a little flustered and hesitate to act. Should she become more friendly? Or should she keep her respect?

"Rebecca! Come! Come here!" Nam happily said as rebecca slightly smiling and have a seat beside her which also beside billy. And there, Nam chuckled and they started to have a casual conversation which makes rebecca found them not scary as freen sarocha. Exactly.

"Don't worry rebecca, just treat us as your friends. We're not like that devil upstairs who busy fucking women." Heng said makes rebecca could felt the stabs into her heart. Gosh why this feel so hurtful?

They all could see how rebecca's face switched as heng slightly nudge Nam's arm.

"U-uh... ha! Don't worry, Sh-she's just... I think, she just releasing her anger. That's all, rebecca!" Nam said, slightly stutters but those words didn't even calm rebecca down. Rebecca's face is still tense and upset as if she was hurted. So much.

"She's a jerk, right, rebecca?" Billy suddenly said, sipping onto his coffee cooly makes rebecca and the two, heng and nam also look at him. Billy then place the cup on the table again as he suddenly scoffed.

"She's a person that never admit her feelings. She's just releasing her anger and her stress towards that woman. She's a bastard, she's a jerk, she's a coward. But you know what? We never see she's kissing, or letting any woman touch her in any way. Especially her tattoo behind her neck." Billy said makes rebecca furrowed her eyebrows tightly. huh? What he mean?

"H-huh? B-but——-"

"But she kiss you? But she let you touch her? Am i right?" Billy said again, smirking a little which makes rebecca still in clueless and confuse. What? Freen never let women touch her? Then what she did before this to freen... does that's the one that make freen getting angry of her?

Rebecca slowly nod makes heng, and Nam gasped knowing this. Even though they already assuming about it before this but right now, rebecca said this straight to their face which mean what's they assumed is true!

"REALLY??!!! EVEN HER NECK??!! EVEN THAT BUTTERFLY TATTOO OF HERS??!!!" Heng ask in shock, mouth gaped open in disbelief. Really. He can't believe this.

Once again rebecca nod her head while Billy scoffed and smirking much more widely. He already know this.

"I-i d-didn't k-know this! You s-should've told me earlier! What if she get angry to me because of that? What if——"

"There's no way, she's angry because of that, rebecca. Look, kissing a woman also not her thing. But what? She kiss you. Right?" Billy said again makes rebecca gulped hardly.

"Fuck, There's something so wrong! Gosh!"

" I think i understand this now. Okay!"

Nam and heng chuckled out a little as they slowly get to understand freen's way. But, rebecca is still in her own thoughts. She dont understand. And yes, a innocent girl like her will never understand unless that jerk is saying it out face to face on her!

"and about that woman with freen upstairs, dont mind of her, rebecca. And you know what? Just follow your hearts. Allow me to give you my advise as your temporary brother." Billy said, as that time, rebecca's eyes stuck on billy's eyes, meeting each other which rebecca found billy's eyes a little glassy. Why? And why this feels like a mess? Why she felt like this problems will getting more mess? And why does her life become more mess when she's meeting freen?

What is this?

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now