𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3️⃣3️⃣

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In the wake of turbulent times, a few days unfolded as the most blissful chapter in Freen's life. The air seemed to shimmer with an ethereal joy, and the days became a tapestry woven with the threads of newfound completeness.

The presence of her entire family, including Rebecca and the kids, brought a radiant warmth that transcended the ordinary. Every shared moment became a treasure, from simple family dinners to the laughter echoing through the halls. The children's gleeful voices and the harmonious blending of their lives created a symphony of happiness that resonated deeply within Freen.

The completeness of her family, once fractured by complexities, now stood as a testament to resilience and the transformative power of love. These days became a sanctuary, a respite from the storms of the past, where Freen found solace in the unity of her loved ones. As they spent time together, the once fragmented pieces of their shared history seemed to align, forging a beautiful mosaic of harmony, understanding, and the promise of a brighter future. In the embrace of these joyous days, Freen discovered the true richness that came with the reunification of her complete family.

This is what freen and rebecca always dreamed of. Having the most beautiful family, and happy life with their loves ones.

"Okay its 7PM. Daddy need to going back home,freca,ryker." Rebecca said while cleaning the toys on the floor as freen and the two twins who still playing together on the floor at the living room quickly look at her and wearing a pout. All of them, including freen. Right now, they're at rebecca's mansion. All of them.

"Uhm, mommy..... can daddy stay here tonight?" Freca suddenly said, makes rebecca look at them and saw how they all wearing the same face expressions. Gosh, their puppy eyes, pout lips and sad faces makes rebecca sigh out loud. Really. Those two is really copy and paste from freen. Ugh!

"Ryker, freca, daddy is working tomorrow, daddy's shirts, suits, pants, watch, necktie and so on, how can daddy go to work when there is no daddy's things at our home?" Rebecca said makes freen gasped and slightly nudge ryker's arm with her elbow. Yes. That's actions could be seen by rebecca makes she stares to freen coldly. She know how tricky freen is. Tch.

When ryker know what his daddy means, ryker quickly pouting and hugging freen, as if he was acting sad.

"How can mommy separate ryker and freca with daddy... We're not meeting for five years, but mommy separating us...." Ryker said makes freca also coming closer and sit on freen's lap, hugging her too as the three of them right now making a fake cries. Gosh, be patient rebecca, be patient.

"Right... how can mommy did that to us...." freen whining too with her fake sniffs makes rebecca sigh out loud and shooking her head.

"Ugh... okay okay!" When rebecca said 'okay' that's acting quickly change to a cheers, as the three make a high five with each others and freen turn to look at rebecca with her wide grin.

"Okay!! I will ask billy send my attire here!!" Freen said excitedly while rebecca just stares to her with her arms crossed to her chest and her eyes squinted a little. That happy and excitement from freen just now faded slowly and turn to awkward fear once she realize rebecca is glaring to her like that. Freen gulping but she then turn and smile to the kids again.

"Thankyou helping daddy! Tomorrow daddy will give you treats!" Freen whispered towards them makes the two kids cheering as rebecca just scoffed and shook her head. Gosh. Their kids is really after freen sarocha chankimha, their daddy.

"Mommy will go upstairs, freca, ryker. After playing with daddy, go inside your room, take a bath and sleep early. Understand?"

"Okay mommy!" They both said unison as when rebecca take her steps to the upstairs, there freen is, eyeing and staring to that figure with a gulp.

uh, its gonna be a long night, huh?

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now