ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 16

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Freen get out from the room with a tint smirk as Heng suddenly coming to her with his sweats run down his temples. He was panting out after climbing the stairs.

"F-freen! Gosh hah!"

Freen furrowed her eyebrows as heng keep panting and pointing his fingers to the outside.


"Those men!"

"Armstrong men came to take rebecca. They came to make a deal." Heng said while panting out loud as freen immediately could feel her blood was boiling to her head. Seriously.

She rush with her limp leg, went to the outside without even putting on her shirt. When she get out from the main door, Saint gulped hardly and could see how freen was so cold yet so angry.

"WHAT??!!!" Freen shout, loud and clear against saint's ears. She was glaring to him deeply as saint right now were standing at the gate with his 5 guards that also lined up behind him. But, of course, Chankimha's forces or army were lining around them, as if they were having the most heavy and tight protection over the mansion.

"C-chankim- chankimha." Saint stutters hardly, bowing a little makes freen scoffed and somehow still walking closer to him with heng followed her from behind.

"What do you want? Rebecca? No." Freen said straight to the point. That's makes saint gulping much more hardly.In saint's eyes right now, freen looking so strong. She's full with charms, hot, and somehow with those powers and looks that she had, saint started to thinking that no wonder why everyone adores her despite her cruelness.

"P-please S-sir. Im begging. You can kill me. You can kill me, take me if you want but please let go of our young lady." Saint said, pushing a pistol in front of freen as if he want freen to take it and kill him right now. But freen scoffed and chuckled sarcastically before glaring to him.

"You think im that stupid? Huh? Jerk?" Freen snatch the pistol in a blink of eyes and start to came much more closer to saint, caressing saint's cheek with the pistol tip. Saint only could close his eyes, lips trembling and pale at the moment. Gosh, why he need to be in this situation. The sotuation that everyone afraid of : facing freen sarocha chankimha.

Freen smirking winningly.

"Hear this okay bastard. Tell to your boss. Armstrong. Tell to him, i dont wanna kill you. I dont wanna even touch you or your bodyguards right now. I just want him. I WANT HIM TO FUCKING COME IN FRONT OF MY FACE AND LET ME KILL HIM WITH MY OWN HANDS!" Freen said, as at the last sentence she was shouting out loud makes Saints and the armstrong's bodyguards flinched words by words she said. And that same as Chankimha's peoples too.


"There's no but, big boy. He thought with you coming here, giving yourself to me, then i will letting go of rebecca? Your young lady? No. Not at all. Started from today, she's mine. She's fucking mine until that bastard come and admit his fault in front of my face!" Freen yelled, makes Saint trembling hard, and lastly his legs started to give up making him fall down, kneeling in front of freen.

"F-Freen. S-sir. Boss. Im begging. I-im gonna die if im going back with empty hands right now. I-i just need—-"

"Then take this." Freen said, cutting saint's words while snatching the M16 gun that being hold by one of the Chankimha's armies. She slightly throw towards saint makes he quickly catch it. With that, she smirking down towards saints who seem clueless, and gulping hardly.


"You're wasting my time. Uh." Freen shook her head, turning around and walk away, leaving all of the armstrong's minions in stunned. Freen was not gonna dealing or accept this negotiation with them in letting go of rebecca. She's not gonna let rebecca go. Gosh, Saints is facing a big problems. Its just whether he get killed by armstrong or not right now since he's not successful in taking rebecca back.

Going back to the armstrong mansion, Mr.Armstrong right now can't even stand still. He was walking back and forth, nibbling over his fingers while Mrs Armstrong already crying with the guards and maids gathered around them. This is the most big problems for them and yes, chankimha is already declaring a war.

"Sir..." Saint suddenly approach them from the main door makes Mr Armstrong and the others quickly look at him. And yes, Mr armstrong's eyes were moving around, searching for rebecca's figure. But, how saint's face that clearly showing his failure makes Mr armstrong already know what he will talk next.

"SO, WHERE IS SHE?! HOW?!" Mr armstrong ask, slightly raising his words in eager and in impatient to know about his one and only daughter.

"Sh-she... C-chankimha. Sh-she didnt want to let rebecca go, sir. She said, if you want, you need to go to the chankimha's mansion by yourself." Saint said while playing with his own hands, head low down towards the floor and was shaking in afraid. Afraid if Mr armstrong will release his madness towards him instead.

"Fuck!" Armstrong shout, he grip his own hair and was so in frustarated while his wife is already crying much more harder when saint said that. Saint gulped his saliva hardly and bite her lower lips.

"W-what w-we should do s-sir?"


"Then sir, we should arrange a plan, and then started a mission. We should declare a war too if they already did so." Babe, one of the leader for armstrong armies suddenly said, as he walking with a gun in his arms.

That's make armstrong, and all of them turn around only to see him. Yes. This is the first time for babe to interfere and give opinion like this. He never like this. Before, he just receiving a instructions but right now it seems like everyone need a solution. And there he is, coming with an idea.

Mr.Armstrong then slightly raise his eyebrows, a little weird when babe is giving his voices to all of them.

"Yes. We should. Call the other squad leader. The IT, the army, the shooter, and everyone. We should start before she touch my princess!" Armstrong said in rush, sweats runs over his temple because of his worriness towards rebecca patricia. They know freen could do anything to her. Touch her, punish her, hit her, and even kill her! God.

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