𝓢𝓹𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓵 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5️⃣🔚

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Months after months passed, and here they are, inside the labour room as rebecca was ready to delivering their new baby.

As Rebecca's screams filled the room, Freen's heart raced with fear and anticipation, her hands tightly clasping hers in a gesture of love and support. Amidst the chaos of the delivery room, she found solace in the strength of their bond, knowing that together they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

In the labor room, the atmosphere was tense with anticipation as Rebecca's contractions grew stronger and more frequent. Beads of sweat formed on her brow as she gripped the edges of the hospital bed, her knuckles turning white with the intensity of her pain. Freen stood by her side, her face etched with worry, her hands reaching out to offer comfort and support.

With each contraction, Rebecca's body tensed as she summoned all her strength to push, her cries echoing off the walls of the room. Despite the agony she was experiencing, there was a fierce determination in her eyes, a determination to bring their child into the world safely.


"Push! 1,2,3 Push!" The doctor guide her and rebecca can't stop screaming.

Freen's heart clenched with each cry that escaped Rebecca's lips, her own emotions mirroring hers as she watched her endure the pain of childbirth with unwavering courage. SHe whispered words of encouragement, her voice a soothing presence amidst the chaos of the delivery room.

As the moment of truth drew near, Freen's prayers grew more fervent, her heart pounding in her chest as she awaited the arrival of their new baby. And then, in a rush of emotion and relief, their child entered the world, filling the room with the sound of the first cries.

And then, finally, after what felt like an eternity, their child emerged into the world, a tiny bundle of life and light. Rebecca's cries of pain gave way to tears of joy as she held freen's hands more tightly, crying hardly when seeing her child finally come to the world.

In that moment, as they welcomed their child into the world, Freen and Rebecca felt a bond that transcended words—a bond forged in the fire of childbirth, a bond that would endure for a lifetime. And as they gazed into the eyes of their newborn, they knew that their family was complete, and that the journey of parenthood had only just begun. Freen felt overhelmed, her first experience is undescribeable and happiest ever!

Tears welled up in Freen's eyes as she caught sight of their newborn, a rush of overwhelming love washing over her. In that moment, the doctor carefully placed the newborn into Freen's waiting arms, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. With trembling hands, she cradled their child close to her chest, her eyes filled with wonder and awe at the miracle of new life.

In that moment, as she held their newborn for the first time, time seemed to stand still. Freen's gaze was fixed on the tiny bundle in her arms, her heart overflowing with love and gratitude. The weight of responsibility washed over her as she realized that she was now a father, entrusted with the care and protection of this precious new life. Yes! She's a daddy for a long time already! God, the experience just.... moved her.

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now