𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1️⃣3️⃣

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𝓜𝓸𝓶𝓶𝔂, 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓪 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓼𝓮𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝓭𝓭𝔂

One month later.

" This is a news about business and industry. The FR Company right now is on the top of the chart global company, passing Chankimha group which right now fall to the second rank. The FR is a month year old Company, but the sales and the stocks were keep rising in the charts making everyone wonder why and who behind the genius of the big company.

This is a little information about FR. FR is a company that  offer the citizens to have a good and comfortable life. FR is releasing its new apartment named Galaxy which the costs exceed 600 billion. Galaxy becomes VIP's favourite which make the whole apartment already have its owner. With that, the phenomenon of having and living at the galaxy is rising in the states and global, as people adores and having goals to have the apartment just like how the VIP's. Its a big succeess for the new company, and we hope we can see the genius behind all of this in the future.

That's all my reports for today, thankyou, Keep supporting LiveX Channel."

Rebecca sighing out loud, as she watching the television news after she coming back from her work. Talking about work and why she always look at the news about business, rebecca actually working at one of the company which linked to gulf's company. A company that not really known to others but still, business is still a business and of course, gulf is not an ordinary man. He's rich. Rich enough to taking care of rebecca's little family. Tch. Not as rich as armstrong's and of course chankimha though.

Rebecca is on her own. She doesn't want to work under armstrong even though armstrong right now have a company too, but she didn't want it. She want to be a independent woman and mom, having an income by herself and also supporting her children by her ownself.

That's how rebecca is. And yeah, work is important to her too, and with the help of her mom, she could work. When she's working and the kids is not going to school, the kids will send to the armstrong mansion so that rebecca's mom which is also the kid's grandma and also some of the maids will happily taking care of them.

That. And for rebecca, She likes exploring and knowing about news, and works especially about chankimha group. Hm.

"Mo-hahchoo!!!" Ryker sneezing, walking weakly towards rebecca at the living room makes rebecca look at him and touch his forehead.

"Baby?! You had a fever??!!" Rebecca exclaimed worriedly with her eyes widened, as she saw how ryker's nose was red and his face was so pale. Somehow, ryker shook his head and point his hand towards upstairs.

"F-freca was the one that had fe-fever ahchoo! Freca had fever, mommy." Ryker said with his weak voices between his sneeze as he wipe his nose makes that little nose much more reddened. Rebecca gasped and she shook her head rapidly.

"No, handsome boy. You're having a fever too. And freca too? Gosh, lets go." Rebecca pull ryker into her arms, lifting him up and then walking to the upstairs. Once getting inside the twins room, there is freca, trembling and hugging her little body with a little sneeze.

Rebecca slowly place ryker on the bed too, making both of them laying on the bed as she leaning and give a kisses on the twins forehead.

"Handsome boy and princess mommy having a fever hm? Mommy will take a medicine, and the two of you need to rest okay?" Rebecca said softly, stroking the two's hair in worried. Rebecca always can't see when the two is sick. She's terribly worried.

Rebecca was about to stood up but freca suddenly grab her finger with her little hand.

"M-mommy... freca want to meet daddy... freca dont want medicine.. freca want daddy.." Freca started to sobbing, her face was so pale with her lips not even plump or pinky anymore. Its pale and even turned blue!

Rebecca sighing out loud and furrowed her eyebrows before she leaning down again and look to the two much more closer.

"Baby, daddy? Who? Daddy gulf? I will text daddy gulf later okay? But you need to eat medici——-"

"No! mommy no! Freca want daddy ren! Freca want daddy! Freca dont want medicine!" Freca started to protest, stomping her feet on the bed rapidly and roughly.


"No! Mommy no! Freca want daddy!!!!"

"Freca!" A loud voices hearing from rebecca. For the First time, she was raising her voices towards the little girl, and this is also the first time freca started to make attitude, and rebel like this. Freca's lips pouting hardly, and her breath was heavy, wanting to burst into a cries.

Rebecca heave a deep sigh.

"Im sorry baby. I didn't know who is that daddy okay? Im sorry. But i promise, you have to eat medicine and get healthy again then we will search for daddy ren okay? Can you? Freca, princess mommy and ryker mommy's handsome man?" Rebecca whisper softly, caressing the two cheeks, as freca slowly nodding and that's makes rebecca pull them into her hug.

"Promise, mommy will search for daddy for me and ryker."

"Okay baby. Right now, eat medicine and sleep okay? Then after that mommy will cook some porridge. Alright?"

"Okay mommy." Ryker said as rebecca placing them and tuck them inside the blanket perfectly before she stood up and give a tint smile. There, she walk to take the medicine, and without knowing, she already make another promise. Promise that she make only to let the kids coming back healthy again.

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