𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4️⃣7️⃣

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As the days passed since Freen's departure on her supposed 'business trip', the atmosphere in the house grew heavier with each passing moment. Rebecca found herself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, her mind plagued by recurring nightmares that depicted Freen walking away from her, leaving her alone and abandoned.

Each night, as she reluctantly surrendered to sleep, she was greeted by these haunting visions. In her dreams, Freen's departure played out in agonizing detail, amplifying her fears and insecurities. She would awaken in the dead of night, drenched in sweat, her heart racing as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Alone in the dimly lit bedroom, Rebecca would bury her face in her hands, trying to stifle the sobs that threatened to consume her. The emptiness of the room echoed her anguish, amplifying the sense of loneliness that gnawed at her soul.

With each passing day, the weight of Freen's absence bore down on her, casting a shadow over her every thought and action. She longed for her reassuring presence, her warm embrace, but all she had were the echoes of her departure, haunting her dreams and tormenting her waking hours.

Rebecca's mind may be filled with apprehension and anxiety, leading her to believe that something bad will happen. This could stem from a variety of factors, such as past experiences of loss or abandonment, unresolved trauma, or a general tendency towards anxiety.

In the absence of clear communication or reassurance from Freen, her mind may wander to worst-case scenarios, amplifying her fears and leading her to anticipate negative outcomes. Additionally, the subconscious mind often processes and magnifies underlying fears during times of stress or uncertainty, further fueling Rebecca's sense of impending doom.

Without concrete evidence or validation to counteract these fears, they can spiral out of control, leading to a persistent sense of dread and unease. Encouraging open communication and providing emotional support can help alleviate Rebecca's anxieties and provide her with the reassurance she needs to overcome her fears.

Plus, these days she keep dreaming about how freen's hit her and do her bad before. Its increasing her trauma, and when she found herself woke up from that trauma dreams, she will trembling and shaking on her place. Gosh, the afraid towards freen somehow increasing (?) but isn't its crazy when she also miss her in a certain way?

Why does this happened?

Suddenly, her phone ringing makes rebecca quickly grab it from the bedside table and see who's the one that calling her at this time - 6AM in the morning.

Of course. Its none other than her love one.

"Good morning my sweetie pie." Freen greets her once she accept the call. And the voices from freen makes rebecca melt, and her missing feelings immediately recovered with anxiety and fear rush away just like that. And of course, she wont tell freen about the trauma she felt.

"F-freen.... Hikss..." Rebecca started to crying, and that's making freen quiet anxious of her. Freen could felt rebecca's voices was trembling behind the call.

"Baby? What? What happened? Baby? Why darling?" Freen flusteredly wake up from the bed at the other side and gulping, waiting and hearing of how rebecca was sniffing and sobbing against the phone call.

"W-why you didn't even call me for two days... you didn't miss me? Did you forget about me? Did you already found someone else? Did you?" Rebecca mumbles between her cries and freen immediately flustered and shooking her head eagerly even though she know rebecca wont see her. Yes. Rebecca is hiding the trauma she felt, and follow her heart which telling her how much she misses freen.

"No baby. What are you saying? Im not, sweetie. Im missing you so much baby. So much. I want to quickly finish the work here and going back to meet you. That's why im not really holding my phone, baby. Forgive me? I promise, i will coming back before you know it." Freen answer, and that's when rebecca sobs slowly to fade and hiccups filling the air. Rebecca pouting and sniffing, she really can't describe of how much she miss freen. Seriously.

And yes, freen lied. Freen is minimize playing with phone because billy told her to do so, afraid the killer will detect or staking something behind this phone.

"I miss you baby.... I want you... please..."

"I know baby.. i know. I miss you too babygirl. I promise, i will back soon. Okay? Daddy missing my two twins too. But especially their mommy." Freen whispered against the phone and rebecca can't lie that she was feeling butterflies in her stomach. God, if she could fall in love for the second, third and next times with freen, she surely will.

That day, freen spends her morning with talking to the twins, rebecca, and also telling stories to them in the call since they all can't get enough of their daddy. And of course! Rebecca also can't let freen hang up the phone earlier. She want to hear her voices and that's enough. Hearing freen's voices could calm her heart and flushed away everythings negative in her mind.

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now