𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4️⃣2️⃣

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The night is long. Again, when sending rebecca to the mansion, freen can't even let her go and same as rebecca too. She keep in her hesitate condition, and clinging against rebecca's shoulder for a while. And guess what? Right now here they are, inside rebecca's room, laying and cuddling with each other warmly while the kids were already sleeping in the next room.

"Baby, can you just move and stay with me? At the mansion. There is Nam and Billy too! But if you move in, i will ask them to stay at another home, i will bought for them." Freen said, showing her eager and sparkling eyes towards rebecca as she look up to see rebecca's face. And yes, why she look up? Because she was the one that sleeping on rebecca's chest instead! Cuddling like a little baby! Tched.

Rebecca furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head.

"No. You can't ask them to get out from that mansion just like that, freen. You can't do that."

"Hm? Yes! I can do that! Im serious. I will bought them another house. Please? Can you move in with me?" This time, freen already waking up, sitting on the bed while holding rebecca's hand and pull her to sit up on the bed too. Rebecca groaned weakly and slowly sit, as they facing each other with freen flashing her excited smiles.

"I will waking up in the morning seeing you as the first thing, we can cook together, we can play with our kids, going shopping, bought toys, shower together, watching movies... oh there are so many things i wanna do with you and our kids. Its a good idea right? Moving in with me and staying together is the best idea ever. Aren't you agree?" Freen smiling widely, already making her body a little jumping on the bed makes rebecca chuckled a little and shook her head.

Freen Freen. Such a baby when with rebecca.

"Yes, its the most amazing idea. But...." Rebecca smirking as she lean and suddenly giving a bite on freen's nose makes freen touch her nose and hissed in pain.


Rebecca chuckled out loud and touch freen's nose too, as she can't stop laughing makes freen stares to her adoringly. Gosh, her smiles, her laughs, and her smiley eyes is everything for freen.

"But you need to marry me first. And then, its up to you, i will follow anything you want me to do." Rebecca continued and when hearing that, freen raise her eyebrows and flashing a tint smile. Freen suddenly cupping rebecca's cheeks and stares to her lovingly.

"I will marry you, rebecca. I obviously will. But, i can't do that for now, okay? I will marry you once everything about the problems i have settle down. Okay?" Freen smiles again. Rebecca quickly nod, and she know so well about what problem freen is referring to. Freen is still on her move huh? She thought freen already stop for a while?

"I got it, baby. But please be careful. Always. You can ask help from me and my family. The only thing i want to know is nothing happened to all of us." Rebecca said, as her mind suddenly thoughts of a negative things. God, this is making her anxious.

Freen smile, and she caress rebecca's cheeks softly.

"That's why you and your family or the others can't involved in this problem, baby. Because my point is also the same. I want everyone to be safe, even though one day, i am not." When freen mutters that, rebecca quickly wearing her grumpy face. She even hit freen again on her hand.

"Auch!! baby!"

"You can't talk like that! I dont want to hear about that again. I want you with me, freen. Please. Dont wish to be like that." Rebecca slightly scold her makes freen chuckled and nodding her head. With a swift moment, freen already pull rebecca and kissing her on the lips softly. Kissing rebecca, and being with rebecca is the most beautiful moments that freen found her own heart thumping out loud.

"God, i love you so much rebecca." Freen mumbles between her kisses as she can't even think about another think. Yes. She only think she want to finish this as soon as possible, then marry rebecca and live together for the rest of their lives with their little family. Gosh, she swear she want that so much.

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now