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Billy's phone ringing which makes rebecca quickly look at him. Billy took out his phone and hands it to rebecca.

"Freen." He said, with a little smile, expecting that everythings is okay and know so much how worried rebecca is to freen. But when she took the phone and accept the call, there is no one talking.


"F-freen??!! Baby??!! Freen??!! Where are you?!! Freen?!!"

Rebecca shout, worriness rushing to her blood and mind makes she stood up from the couch. The others also stood up and look at rebecca in confuse.


"R-rebecca.. H-help me." Freen mutters and with that, she fully fall unconscious, makes rebecca stunned and shaking.


No. There is no answer anymore. Slowly, the phone fall off from her grip, falling to the floor and her knees getting weak. She was about the fall but nam manage to grab her and they all rush, asking what happened.

"What happened?!!!"

"W-what happened rebecca?!! Tell me!"


Billy and Heng was in rush as heng grab for the phone and tried to call for freen but there is no answer anymore. Rebecca stunned, her face pale and her lips shaky. Basically her whole body shaky.

"F-freen... S-she she ask for help." Rebecca's stutters, eyes already slowly releasing its tears and billy grinded her teeth hardly.

"F-fuck!" He cursed and quickly run out from the mansion.


"Follow me!" Billy shout as heng run too, leaving the two woman in the mansion with Nam slowly grabbing rebecca into her hug.

"Shh its okay. Freen will okay. Lets just wish heng and billy found her. They have freen's gps."

Rebecca sobbing hardly in nam's hugs as her heart clenched and thumping out loud. Why does this be this hurt? Why she hurting like this when it comes to freen? Freen is becoming a part of her body, heart and soul. Freen is her's.

"I-im afraid..." Rebecca mumbled but nam only comfort her and keep rubbing her back to calm her down. She afraid she will lose freen. She can't lose freen. But, will she know that she will lose freen one day?

Yeah, she didn't think about that for now.

Billy and heng was in rush, driving and follow where the gps of freen's phone were placed. Billy keep cursing in the car, and his heart was thumping out loud in worried.

"Fuck, if anything happened to her, i fucking wont let this slide." Billy groaned and even hit the car's steering when another car outside there keep getting on his way. For some minutes, finally, there they are, already arrived at the same placed where freen was at.

Heng was running to the other side and billy was at the other side, searching for her around the building nearby. But, billy's eyes caught a figure that already laying weakly on the dark pathway. His heart skip a beat.


"Fuck. Heng!!!! Here! Fuvk!!!!" Billy shout out loud, running towards freen and with that, his eyes widened when he saw the blood was a little wetting and pooling the road. Fuck. He grab out the pistol from his pocket and aim around them to be careful before heng coming and grab for freen.

"Fuck, heng! She's hot! She still in her fever!"

"Check her bleeding spot! Faster!!" Billy shout as he still aiming around them, guarding and sharply look around while heng quickly lift up freen's hoodie, checking her stomach, and even her chest. There, after that heng found out that its only freen's arm was the one that still bleeding harshly.

"I-its her arms billy!"

"Another spot??!! Organs?!!"

"No! There's nothing!"

"Then faster! Lets go! We just take her home!" Billy quickly tuck the pistol again and quickly kneel down, both of them lifting freen and lifting her to the car. They put freen carefully at the seat behind and quickly driving back to the mansion again.

Yes, just like what they learned, arm's shoots is not dangerous. Its like a small matter for them, but since freen is weak because of her un well condition, that's why she fall unconscious. And that's why too billy make a decision to only taking freen back to their mansion, and do their private treatment instead of sending her to the hospital.

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now