𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1️⃣9️⃣

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𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰, 𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓼 𝓻𝓮𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓼, 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝔂 𝓯𝓸𝓬𝓾𝓼, 𝓻𝓮𝓫𝓮𝓬𝓬𝓪!

One week had passed.

and in this one week, the two twins were on and off keep having a fever. This makes rebecca can't even focus, felt tired, and felt so worried. Plus, the things that all of them keep crying over is 'daddy, daddy, daddy'

"Freca want to meet daddy ren! Mommy..... Freca miss daddy ren..."

"Mommy.... ryker too... ryker want daddy too..."

That. That's all that they keep dreaming, crying again and again, and of course, this one week too, rebecca already bring them to the school and wait for the 'daddy' just like how they want. But, there is none. No figure that could make the two kids happily smiling. All they did is crying in the car, and keep rebelling makes saint and rebecca can't even think of this. This is a problems. Who is that person actually? Ugh...

Today, rebecca went to the office with her body totally weak! She's tired of working until late night, then taking care of the two kids that on and off having fever, and then? The boss was keep pressuring her too. This freaking tiring her. Seriously.

"Ms. Rebecca!! What are you still doing here??!! Attend the meeting! And make reports! Stay focus, rebecca!" Freen scold her, crossing her arms against her chest and she stares to rebecca who seem pale and so cold. Rebecca slowly look at her, and that deep cold stares makes freen gulp her own saliva out of sudden. W-what is this? W-why she looks so mad yet so exhausted?

Rebecca suddenly stood up and walk towards freen with a letter in her hand. With that, she shoved the letter on freen's chest hardly makes freen's hand quickly hold it.

"Im tired. I will resigning from this position." Rebecca's voices hearing so cold makes freen's eyes buttoning once she heard that. What? Freen's heart could feel a little regret as when rebecca turning and want to walk away, freen quickly rush and block her with her own body. There, they facing each other with freen gulping and so in flustered.

"W-why s-so sudden——"

"Im tired! I can't play with this fucking job anymore! You're such a dick head, you know? God, please just accept my resignation paper and let me go." Rebecca raise her voices, eyes staring to freen boredly and deeply, and once again, freen's eyes buttoning wide. What? R-rebecca? A innocent, and kind rebecca saying all this words? W-what happened?

Freen gulp and quickly grab rebecca's wrist when rebecca want to walk passing her. There, with that, rebecca could feel a shivers down her spine.

"N-no! You can't! I-im not letting you go. I've transfering you this month salary! No way! No way i could let you go just like that for this month!" There. Freen make a stupid excuse to make her stay. And what? She want rebecca to stay? Didn't before this she dont want rebecca to work with her? Rebecca sighing out loud as she look at freen and yank her hands away roughly.

Freen gasped.

"Then im just completing my job for this month. After that, i wont stay here anymore. Or... you want me to transfer the salary instead and stop now? Dont play with me, BOSS REN. You think you could treat me bad because of your position? Im tired, i have——-"

Ring! Ring! Ring Ring!

Rebecca's phone suddenly ringing, and that's make her words stop as she look at freen boredly and stomping her feet to her table again, grabbing her phone.


"Yes baby. Mommy is working. What is it?" Rebecca's voices immediately change to a soft one as when freen hearing that, a gasp escaped her lips, and shock etched itself across her face upon hearing the unexpected revelation. The sudden news disrupted the calm, and for a moment, her expression became a tableau of surprise, uncertainty, and perhaps a touch of disbelief as the weight of the information settled in.


Freen could feel a lump on her throat, her whole body is shaking and her heart was clenching. Hard. R-rebecca had a child?

"Oh, baby want to going out with daddy gulf? Then go! Okay? Mommy will meet you and daddy after mommy done working. Take care baby."

"Okay mommy!" A cheerful voices of ryker hearing and rebecca cut the phone call before look at freen again. There, freen was standing froze, head falling down and spinning.

Daddy? Mommy? D-did you already married and have kids? Rebecca?

Freen couldn't describe her feelings. She was heartbroken. She was so coward. She was feeling like a big heavy stone was crashing onto her shoulder after hearing that. Daddy. Mommy. That words keep repeating in her mind, and she lift her head, making rebecca could see those miserable expression ever from her boss. Freen's eyes was shaky and glassy with a hint of disappointment. Her mouth keep releasing a heavy sigh and what important is, rebecca could feel those clear sadness that written on that handsome face.

"I-its up to you. Im sorry. I was pressuring you so much." Freen said that. And that's words makes rebecca shock when hearing from her cold boss. Freen turn as she walk out from the office room, leaving rebecca with her eyebrows furrowed and thinking that her boss is so weird.

"Uh, so weird." Rebecca mumbled and shook her head.

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