𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2️⃣8️⃣

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Following the events of that surprising night, today marked a return to their workdays. The routine of professional responsibilities unfolded, creating a backdrop of normalcy after the unexpected twist in their personal dynamic. As Freen and Rebecca navigated their respective tasks, the echoes of the previous night lingered, adding an undercurrent of curiosity and a shared secret to their interactions in the workplace.

Today, their responsibility as a worker and as a boss need to be fulfilled again. Freen walking inside her office room coldly, as when she once step inside the office room, there is rebecca, she already doing her works, wearing the plain cream shirt with a grey short tight skirt makes freen stares to her without blinking.

Gosh, rebecca is so gorgeous. How can someone be that gorgeous everyday, every second and every minutes she lay her eyes on her? How can?

Freen clear her throat a little and walk to her own table while rebecca slightly steal a glance of freen with her corner eyes. Freen is looking so good with her black and white suit, the sharp lines of the suit showing how clean and how neat she is. She's not wearing any neck tie, letting her shirt's top button open, showing her hard and muscular chest. Rebecca gulp and keeping her cold, doing her works as if nothing happened.

In their mind, both of them keep thinking about last night. The lingering memory of the kiss played on repeat in their thoughts, each moment etched with the tender warmth and fleeting sweetness of that intimate connection. The touch left an indescribable sensation, an unspoken language that resonated deeply, creating a connection beyond words. How their lips collide and moving in rhythm against each other, the moans, the groaned, and the greediness was filled in their mind. God.

Ring ring!

Suddenly freen's phone ringing makes freen quickly slide her hands inside her pocket and took it before pressed against her ear.

"What?" Freen ask coldly makes rebecca slightly raise her head to look at her.

"What?! Nam, please! Why should i——"

Tittt titt... tittt....

The call end as freen sighing out loud and cursed under her breath. Guess what nam said? Nam said she's freaking already set the blind date for this afternoon, and freen need to go there, facing the blind date no matter who it is. That's make freen felt very mad, but knowing Nam already setting this up, she can't do anything anymore. She will just go and show her face to that woman and then going back. That's all.

But right now, for rebecca, she furrowed her eyebrows tightly when freen was looking so tense after answering the call.

What's wrong with her? Did something happened?

Rebecca thought but only shook her head, and doing her works again.

As the time slowly passed into the afternoon, Rebecca noticed Freen's abrupt departure from the office. With a sense of urgency, Freen swiftly grabbed her car keys and stormed out without casting a glance in Rebecca's direction. The atmosphere carried an unspoken tension, leaving Rebecca with a sense of bewilderment about the sudden and seemingly purposeful exit.

Whats wrong with her?

Freen coldly stomping her feet and get inside the car with the annoyed feelings filling her heart. gosh, if this not because of Nam, she swear she wont do it! And what the fuck nam? Is she want to tease freen or what?

Freen's hands gripped the steering wheel with a palpable tension as annoyance etched across her face. The engine roared to life, and the car surged forward, tires screeching in protest against the asphalt. The rhythmic hum of the vehicle seemed to resonate with Freen's vexation, creating an atmosphere charged with discontent.

Outside, the passing scenery blurred into a backdrop to the internal turmoil. With each turn of the road, frustration emanated, a silent force propelling the car away from the source of irritation. The journey unfolded against the canvas of annoyance, Freen's determined drive mirroring the inner turbulence they sought to leave behind.

After a brief interlude, she arrived at a beautiful yet elegant cafe. The soft chime of the entrance bell welcomed her into a haven of refined ambiance. The air carried the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and the gentle hum of conversations added a soothing backdrop to the tasteful decor. She found a comfortable spot bathed in warm light, appreciating the delicate balance of sophistication and comfort that enveloped the space.

For a minute waiting, a woman suddenly approaching her.

"Ren?" She ask full with polite and voices was cheerful as she is, but for freen, its not cheerful as rebecca. Freen lift up her head, only to see the woman with her wide soft smile but she quickly look away and humming coldly.

"Can i have a seat?" She ask makes freen look away coldly and sighing in annoyed.

"Just seat." There. Once again, her coldness was conquering the situation as the woman sit in front of her with her wide smile and stares to her with her curious yet sparkling eyes. Yes, of course, the woman was so attracted towards freen, plus seeing how freen is so cold makes she looks much more hot.

Who will not fall for freen, right?

"So, what did you do?" The woman ask makes freen scoffed and look at her with her bored cold eyes.

"Im having a company. And right now, im busy. I have to go." Freen said, sipping her coffee a little and then raise her eyebrows with a thin smirk. She stood up and walk away just like that, making the woman gasped.

"R-ren! B-but!!! Ren!!!" She shout, but freen just sarcastically scoffed and walk without turning back at all. Annoying.

Its better if im spending time with rebecca than with you! Ugh!

Without she knowing, someone already saw her with another woman here, as if they are having a date with her heart burning and she scoffed sarcastically.

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now