ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5

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The morning sunlight were beaming through the glassy sliding door towards the spacious white bedroom. The birds keep chirping, and the breeze is cool. The leaves of the plants are covered from the dew drops and the level of noise pollution in the mornings are less compared to the other times of the day. And yeah, plus chankimha's mansion somehow a little far away from the main road.

There is two figure that helping the maids at the kitchen before they take a sit while the gardener where watering a beautiful flowers at the outside of the mansion, combine with a 6 members of bodyguards where lining in front of the main door. Not talking about the gate, the backyard and the other side of the mansion, its full and totally protected with bodyguards.

But, there is no figure of the owner of the mansion at all.

"Where is she?" Heng mumbled, looking around as then, there freen is, walking down from the downstair while running her fingers through her wet- hair, wearing a black sleeveless shirt and short pants.

She was breathing a little heavy, slightly panting, sweats covering her necks and temples. Her sleeveless shirt also wet because of the sweats making her tone six packs shown clearly through those shirt. Its her routine. Working out, and building her body and stamina just like always.

"Hey morning buddy." Heng greet freen in the morning when seeing she was walking towards the kitchen. And the greet makes the 5 of the maids quickly line up beside the dining table and bow their head slowly.

"Morning Boss." They said in unison as freen just grabbing the small towel that hang specifically for her beside the refrigerator and wipes her sweats away.


With the hummed, they slowly raise their head straight again, as freen pulling the chair and take a sit in front of billy and heng who just looking onto her. One of the maid slightly bend her body, and placing her both hand beside freen as if this is her routine. Yes. Its her routine. Everyone's routine.

Freen didn't even glance and she just slightly throw the small towel on the maid hands as the maid bow to her and walk away to putting the used towel away. And there, the other maids started to serve them the foods one by one following the course as the three of them just looking onto each other before billy started to voice something.

"Do you want to celebrate your 25th birthday? freen?" Billy ask, taking the spoon and fork, already prepare to eat the food that the maid served. Yeah, 25th birthday is kinda special for freen. Of course. Before this, she never want to celebrate her birthday. She never like it and the two man know so well that freen is not kind of person that will celebrate her day. But, today, billy just asking knowing how special it is to freen.

25th. The Age where her parents finally let her killed anyone she want by her own hands. Yes. And freen follow that. Last night, that was the first killed that she make by her own hands, and using her own strength and skills. This is all what her parents said or wrote in their will.

Freen raise her eyebrows and a tint smirk plastered at the corner of her lips before she scoffed and pick up the spoon and fork too to start eating.

"No." She coldly answer and somehow scooping a spoonful of scrambled eggs. Yes, she still dont want to celebrate it.

When she eat the spoonful of scramble eggs, the foods immediately spray out from her mouth automatically showing how much she affected towards the awful taste.

"Puuhhhffhhhhh" She sprayed out to the side makes billy and heng slightly gasped while the maid quickly flustered, trying to wipe or helping freen. But at the moment, freen look up, glare to them and those glare makes their action stops immediately.

"WHO THE FUCK COOK THIS??!!" Freen raise her voices, eyes was so sharp towards the five maids makes each of them trembles and rooted on their place. Freen stares to each of them but still, there is no respond which makes she's much more in annoyed. God.


"Me! Me, Sir! Me." One of the maid quickly lift up her hand, she's shaking hardly, as billy and heng could see how the woman seem want to fall down because of her shaky knee. That's showing how much she's afraid of freen at that moment.

Freen scoffed, she spit the saliva onto the floor before she stood up and slightly bending her back to glare to the woman much more closer.

Before she could said anything, billy quickly cut her off.

"Freen, nah. Let me handle it. Please? Let me punish her." Billy said, knowing so much that freen could give a worse and bad punishment to the woman. Freen's jaw was clenched hardly and she glance to billy coldly before she slowly shift her place, walking away makes the woman and the other maids sighing out loud in relief. Gosh, they were shaking so hard. Its terrified!

"Heng. Prepare the car." Freen said while walking to her room at the upstairs which make heng raise his eyebrows and look down to his food. Uh... Yes, he know. Usually freen will ask him to drive to somewhere or going to works.

"U-uh i-im not eating yet..." Heng mumbled slowly but still quickly stood up and nod his head.

"O-okay freen! Im coming!" He slightly pouting which makes billy slightly smiling. Heng then running to the outside, preparing the car and being a driver as billy sighing out loud and approaching the maid with a thin smile.

"Its okay, auntie ked. Im not giving you punishment. But if freen asking you, just say that i give you one. Okay? And you guys too." Billy softly and sweetly said, makes the maids slightly nod their head and still standing still in afraid.

Billy sighing out loud, knowing so much freen's anger giving a big impact towards them. Yes, freen is hard to please. Making freen's angry is the most thing that everyone avoid to do but making freen's satisfied of their works is the most rare things happened in this world. Seriously. And that's being their goal.

"i-im sorry, Sir. Im sorry." Auntie Ked said slowly, knowing so much that she's the one that wrong today.

"Ah no. No its okay. She's just sensitive. Im okay. And all of this food, i will eat. Okay? And im sure heng will eat too after this. So just save it for him. And this mess, clean it and you guys can take a rest okay?" Billy said makes all of them nodded and slowly start to clean and make their own way.

Gosh, freen is unpredictable. And maybe, this behaviour of her already known for them. But still, they can't get used of her cruel, anger, and madness. The conclusion is, freen is so scary and no one can get used of it.

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now