ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 10

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20 years ago.

The sun is shining brightly, the grass is greener than ever, and the skies are pure blue. It was a beautiful day for the kid. The sunrise poured in from her large bay windows, slowly and steadily. Like flames of pink and purple, the light crept toward the luxurious and very messy bed that the 5 years old little kid lay in.

All too soon it was morning and the busy streets of Thailand got busier and louder, waking the kid. She blinked in the morning light like a newborn, her big brown eyes taking everything in at once. As she did every morning, she dug herself out from under her baby blue, silk and satin bed spread.

Once her feet reach the floor, a sounds of her loves one's voices ringing in her ears,calling her for a breakfast.

"Freen sarocha! Wake up and come down for a breakfast! We're going to the playground today!"

Those words makes her lips immediately curled to a really wide smile, a smile that she never know that time its gonna be the last wide smile. With excitement, 5 years old freen quickly running to the downstairs, happily jumping and smiling seeing how her mom and her dad was already waiting for her at the dining table.

"Mom! Dad! We're going to the playground right?! Really?!" She ask, eyes sparkling and her little feets were jumping rapidly from the floor. Every weekend, the most waited day she always excited is when their little family head out to have fun at the playground.

Mr Chankimha chuckled and Mrs chankimha then nodding her head with her wide smile.

"Yes darling. Go! Take a bath and come to have breakfast! We will go to the playground. And we will bought your favourite ice cream!" Her mom said makes freen nodding her head rapidly and quickly running away to take her bath.

"Okay mommy! I will! Daddy mommy wait for me! Dont leave me yet!" That what she said for the last time, without knowing that this is the last time she will talk to her parents.

The next thing she know is, when taking her bath, a loud scream, and loud bang hearing as if there is a shoot inside the mansion. People grunting in pain, and fights hearing as she slowly get out from the shower, and slowly went to the living room and kitchen again only to see something that broke her heart.

There. The living room and kitchen filled with drops of blood. The windows glass were scattered, The vases of her mom's favourite was broken, and the mess were horrible. Freen could smell the fishy and ironic of blood as she slowly stepping towards the kitchen. 

Once she step at the kitchen, her feet froze. Her heart thumping out loud, her stomach growling and she wanted to throw up. The pool of blood were filling the grey-ceramic  floor tiles,  seeing how some of the bodyguards already laying lifelessly and that's when a shout hearing from behind.

"Freen! Stop! Stop! Dont go there! Dont fucking go there!"

Those loud voices were shaky, flustered, and in mess. The voice's owner was in mess.

Freen slowly turn around, and she could see a man on his 40s where holding a pistol, aiming it towards her with his legs also already bleeding. His hands were full with blood, and same goes as his white polo tshirts.

"U-uncle? W-why—-"  Freen froze. Its likely the world is stop. Everything stops. Exactly, when her eyes meeting the man's shaky eyes.

slowly, Freen's eyes teary. Her eyes glassy and lastly its streaming down onto her cheeks. With that, she clench her jaw, as her fist curled to a shaky fist. She turn and run towards the kitchen more, stepping onto the pool of blood before finally the two dead body of her parents could be found beside the kitchen counter.

Her hands trembling as she grabbing and shaking the two dead hands roughly.

"Mommy! Daddy!!! Wake up! Wake up!!! Mommy!!" She was crying hardly, tears wetting those innocent cheeks, and not caring of how her shirts or skins having those stains of blood. She's messed up that time. Her hands, cheeks, body, full with those bloods.

"FREENN!!! COME!! LETS GO!!" Armstrong shout, hands also trembling while holding those pistol. He was sweating hardly, and trying hard to controlling his nervousness at the moment. When seeing he was acting like that, freen's eyes averted towards him as she glaring to him for the first time in her life.

And yes, Armstrong a little stunned when seeing those little eyes turned dark as if she was being possessed by a cruel demon.

"FUCK OFF!!! YOU KILL MY DAD AND MOM!! YOU KILL THEM!! I HATE YOU!! FUCK!! I HATE YOU!! GO AWAYY!! I HATE YOU!!" She shout, still glaring with her chest breathing heavily. Gosh, that time armstrong was stunned witnessing how bad freen is treating him. This is the first time. She never curse, showing those bad attitudes before but right now, she is rebelling. She is turning to someone he never knew.

Armstrong stunned, eyes slightly buttoning hearing this. Somehow, his heart felt like something was stabbing inside. Its hurts seeing freen, a little kid that always love him before turn to someone that he never knows.

"FUCK OFF!!" Freen shout again makes Mr Armstrong gulping. Freen somehow glancing to the side and could see a pistol was laying beside her dad's hand and with that, she take it with a swift movement, and aiming towards Armstrong himself.

"GO AWAY BASTARD! I HATE YOU!!!" Freen shout and somehow manage to pressed the trigger with her trembling hands and at the moment, there is no other choice armstrong could do. He avoid the shoots and run away, lightly turn behind to see how the little freen was crying so hardly, begging her parents to coming back again.

"I-im sorry, freen. Im sorry."

That day, the happy day turned to be a dark day. A gloomy dark day that fills with tears. And started from that day, a hotblooded, a cruel, a sarcastic, and a cold freen has born.

I will kill him mom, dad! I will kill him with my own hands soon! I swear!

She shouted. Promising with her own self that she will pay the revenge. The hatred, the anger, and the pain keep rising day by days until today. She's finally 25 years old.


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