ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15

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For some hours letting rebecca laying down on the bed, freen keep staring onto her, from her perfect hair to her smooth toe. Rebecca was so attractive. Freen couldn't help but admire her, as everything about her was perfect; her reddened milky skin dotted with beauty marks and freckles, her light-brown, waist-length hair that suited her perfectly, and her knee-length soft pink dress that flowed over her body perfectly.

"Uhhh...." Suddenly a groaned hearing as that's make freen fix her seat a little and shook her head off from imagining things about the young girl. Rebecca who wake up from her unconsciousness just now a little shock when she felt the soft mattress. She immediately sit up and look around, gasped when she could see that she was on the bed of soft brown room, and all the things inside this room was decorated elegantly. White - brown theme.

"You're finally wake up hm princess?" A cold hoarse voices heard against her ears as that's makes rebecca scotted backwards and turned her head to the side, seeing how a familiar person was sitting on the couch across the bed.

Rebecca gasped. Her eyes widened.


Freen smirking a little, staring onto her deeply makes rebecca gulped hardly.

"W-w-who are y-you?!" Rebecca raise her voices, trembling and lips already pale in afraid. Gosh, why this happened to her. That's what she was thinking. And this time, freen's smirk much more wider, as she stood up from the couch and somehow started to lift up her polo white tshirt.

Rebecca gasped, as she quickly look away when freen was completely taking off her tshirt away. With that, freen throw her shirts straight to rebecca's face, makes rebecca closed her eyes and smells those gentle scents of her. But this is not a time for her to enjoying the scents. Rebecca take the shirt, throw it away before glaring to freen makes freen raise her eyebrows more.

"Oh, feisty." Freen mumbled, slowly taking her steps with those smirks were never leaving her lips. She like this. She like how rebecca is acting. Taking the step onto the bed, its make rebecca look at her and somehow scooted backwards more until she reach the end of the corner of the bed.

She gulped. How freen body was perfectly showing its 6-8 toned abs, how her broad shoulder was proudly stand, and how she was looking so hot like this. But the fact that freen is not a good person is making she felt scared. Freen then slowly crawling onto the bed, making rebecca much more flustered. Seriously, this time, she was pale, and shaking on her place.

"W-what ar-are you doing?! G-go away! I - i will tell my dad!" Rebecca stutters hardly as freen somehow scoffed hearing that.

Dad? God, you're so innocent, kitten.

"Dad? Your dad? Tched. He's a coward. And you think i care? You're in my hands. I could destroy him by only having you." Freen said, while crawling onto the bed and eyes seem darting onto rebecca's eyes sternly. She could see how rebecca seem scared, eyes glassy, lips turned pale and shaky, as rebecca curled her body to hug her own knee in afraid.

Crawling closer to rebecca, freen grab her arms roughly making rebecca hissed in pain and tears escaping her eyes. Freen stares to her deeply, bending closer to rebecca's cheek and she manage to inhaling the scents of rebecca's body. Gosh, its so intoxicating.

"You're smelling so good, kitten." Freen whispered, nose already brushing over rebecca's cheek and jaw slowly makes rebecca gasping her own arms hardly. Those words, the brushes against her skin, its make rebecca could feel the shivers down to her spine. Freen could feel how rebecca was shaking. So much. Tch. Innocent.

Freen smiling a little, nose keep tracing down against rebecca skin down towards her neck. She suddenly grip rebecca's jaw hardly, makes rebecca gasped and hissed, before she makes rebecca look up. This make she get the chance to tracing her nose all over rebecca's neck at the moment.

Deep inhale.....


Deep inhale....


Rebecca could feel how freen's warmth breath blow out again her skin.

"P-please. Ple-please dont do a-anything to me." Rebecca mumbled, voices already trembling and she sniffing, crying in silent but of course freen knows that. Freen slowly gaping her face with rebecca, staring onto her deeply, as this time, she could see how rebecca was still closing his eyes tightly in afraid. Her smooth cheeks that wet because of the cries and for sure, she admit rebecca is much more gorgeous this close.

Freen gulp her saliva, eyes slowly fall down towards each one of the features on rebecca's face. Pointed nose, perfect eyebrows, long eyelash, freckles that making she looks beautiful, and lastly lips. Lips that trembling, but so tempting. Freen lightly lick her own lips.

"I will. I will if you become a good girl and do what i want." She whispered and slowly, she hardly hold rebecca's jaw again before rebecca yelp when she felt a warm yet soft lips pressed against her jaw. Rebecca stay stunned and didn't even move but she was sniffing and crying so hard.

"Pl-please... Please do do anything. Please... Im begging you.." Rebecca was mumbling messily, crying hardly, but freen still leaving a soft pressed of her lips against rebecca's jaw and neck.

Rebecca is a drugs. She's hypnotised freen. So much. Freen give a last soft peck on her skin before she look up, staring on how the little woman in front of her right now was trembling and crying. Her red nose, eyes, and pouting lips makes she clench her own jaw out of sudden.

With that, she letting go of rebecca's jaw roughly, and could see how her finger's marks printed perfectly on those white cute cheeks.

Freen scoffed.

She rolled her eyes before she scotted off from the bed makes rebecca tightly curled her body again and hugging her own knees. Trembling. Hard.

"Dont even think to escape from this room. Unless you think you want a great punishment from me. Bitch." She groaned and give a tint sarcastic scoffed before she turn around to walk away. But what catching rebecca's eyes is,

The butterfly. The butterfly logo on freen's nape.

Rebecca gulped hardly, and she could feel her own body turned cold as she trembling more hard knowing this. Its her. Its her! She's the one! She's the butterfly leader! Knowing that, rebecca can't help but to crying hard, sniffing, and hugging her trembling body on the corner of the bed.

She know the butterfly. The most cruel mafia ever. The person that everyone afraid and scared of. God, this moment, she only pray and hoping that her dad or the god will come to safe her. Please.

w-why. Why me... dad... Please come and safe me...

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now