𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4️⃣5️⃣

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When the nights come and coming back to armstrong mansion, rebecca and the twins already drifted to their dreamland but not for freen. Freen slowly walking to the downstair while gripping a letter that billy gave this morning, as she making sure that no one ever heard her waking up especially rebecca.

Slowly, she take a sit on the couch at the living room, opening the envelope with a gulp. And guess what? A picture inside the envelope makes she gripping the picture tightly, making the paper of the picture crumpled just like that. And at the moment, her eyes teary, her breath getting heavier and fast, and her chest felt like stucks.

Its a picture of rebecca and her two twins - A picture of her weakness.

Looking onto another paper, there it is, a letter that being written with a red ink.

"Hello, hi oh hi! Are you forgot me? Maybe you will, but im not forgotting you, Freen Sarocha. Oh, you must be wonder why i know about you? Nah, dont wonder, because you're sucks at hiding your indentity.

Meet me at Building 8-2 in England, SG Building Inc in two weeks. Fucking dont bring anyone with you. Oh, yes, im sure you want to bring your loyal man. Yeah, just him. You can bring billy though.

If you're late? Say bye bye to your sexy girl, and cute twins. Oh by the way send my regards to rebecca. Damn, i kinda want her." - Your favourite killer.

That. That's what written in the paper makes freen clenched her jaw tightly and her shaky hands crumpled the paper once again. Oh now he's threaten her about rebecca and the twins huh?

"Fuck!" Freen groaned and grab for her hair in frustrated. She can't do anything. She was desperate to end this. Seriously, if she can't kill this person, her live and also live of people around her will never become peace.

"What's wrong, freen?" A voices suddenly heard against her ears as at the moment, freen quickly grasp for all of the papers and hide it behind her before she turn her head, only to see Mr. Armstrong was the one who's talking.

"U-uhm..." Freen sttuters as Mr.Armstrong walking, approaching her as he eyeing freen's expressions and everythings. He sense something.

"N-nothing, Uncle." Freen finally said and look down as Mr.Armstrong take a seat on the couch, across to her makes he could see freen much more clear. Freen's Body language, actions, and everythings already shows to him that there are something wrong. Come on, he knows freen for so long already.

Mr.Armstrong smiling and raise his eyebrows, staring to her deeply.

"You're lying. Your chest getting quick, your eyes was dark, your face looks so tense and red, lastly, your hands. Its curled. You're in mad, freen. You can't lied to me." He said and that's when freen slowly lift up her head, and her dark shaky eyes meeting with Mr.Armstrong's eyes, showing to him of how much she's really really in anger.

Mr.Armstrong smiling. "There you are. You can't lie to me, freen. You're still the same little kid. This is the exact same face expressions that i saw when that dark memories happened years ago, freen."

He said and somehow slowly standing up from his couch and went to freen, taking a seat beside her and grab her by her shoulder.

"What's wrong? Uncle will help you if anything happened."

"The killer. He threatens me with rebecca and the twins! He threatens me with my weakness! Fuck. I can't lose rebecca, Uncle. I swear, if anything happened to them, i fucking swear im never forgive myself." Freen said, her jaw was tense and clenching hardly, her fist shaking, and her whole body also trembling when thinking about this.

Hearing that, Mr,Armstrong gasped and look at freen in much more serious.

"What? He threat you again? What did he wants now?"

"He want me to meet him at england. I have to go. I have to go there no matter what."

Mr.Armstrong gasped and shook his head quickly.

"No no no! Its dangerous freen! You can't go there——"

"NO, I HAVE TO!!!!!!" Freen shout, glaring to him deeply, her body was really shaking and that's when Mr.Armstrong stunned and staring to her blankly. Freen was that mad. Freen is not joking. He could see how her eyes was red, and if she was a vampire, he sure that freen will already change her teeth to a sharp one right now. Gosh.

Realising her actions, freen slightly shook her head and gulp before lower down her head from glaring to Mr.Armstrong.

"I-im sorry. I was just——-"

"I know. No. Dont need to be sorry." Mr.Armstrong said, hands slowly lift up and pat freen's head softly. At the moment, freen slowly lift her head again and staring to him, seeing Mr.Armstrong was smiling softly, making she remember again of how good the memories are from many years ago. With that, she immediately thinking of her parents again and she know, Mr Armstrong is always this gentle.

"Dont need to be sorry, freen. I know. I know you're mad, and im happy with that. Im happy knowing rebecca is that important to you. But.... you have to hear me too, okay? You have to hear my advice of what im gonna say. Its for your safety, rebecca's safety, the kids, and everyone's safety. And you know what? Our goals is the same. Kill the killer of your parents, and then saving our loves one from dangerous. So... Can i help you? Let me and my people help you so that all of us could safely coming back together again." Mr.Armstrong said with his soft tone, patting and stroking freen's hair softly and that's when freen stares to him and her eyes releasing its tears.

"Uncle...." Freen was sobbing, she pull Mr.Armstrong and she hug him tightly, relying on him. She was crying so hardly. The heavy on her shoulder felt a little bit less knowing she's with him. She always can rely on him.

"I-i can't lose rebecca uncle... please..." She mumbles again between her cries as Mr Armstrong smiling and rub her back softly.

"I know... I know my handsome little kid. I know. Its okay, everything will be alright. We will do this together okay? Agree?"

Freen nod cutely against his shoulder and with that, Mr.Armstrong can't help but to smiles and slightly felt relief. Yes, if freen do this alone, he much more nervous and afraid of her safety. Atleast with hardworks from two clans, this might be different. Right?

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now