ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 22

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Freen flinched, her thoughts finally come to the reality as she slightly rub her nape and clear her throat out of awkwardness. Gosh, why should she day dreaming about rebecca during this time?


Hair as soft as cloud, the face of angel, eyes so deep, seductive and captivating that heaven must be gazing upon them for all eternity, a smile as radiant and dazzling as a supernova, lips supple, so full and enticing that her kiss sends lightning throughout her body and powers her soul.

Her breasts, ah such perfection, soft, yielding, without blemish or equal with buoyancy with no rival, exquisite in every detail from the hue of her areola to the length and breadth of her slightly upturned pink nipples, and nothing can adequately describe the rounded fullness, the tautness and curve of her buns, soft belies the true nature of them and can cause even the strongest of men to become weak in the knees.

And, her legs, oh my God, her legs are flawless firm, with just the right amount of softness, her thighs powerful yet totally feminine, and her calves curve so beautifully from just below her knees to a mere inch or so above her ankles, the type of legs that make men walk into doors, and why high heels must have been created, for I say truly that all the goddeses of old can come near this woman's perfection, but everyone know this, her physical beauty is as nothing when compared to her mind, her heart and her soul.

Gosh.Last time gives goosebumps to her everytime she remember about rebecca.

Fuck, what's wrong with me?

"What's wrong with you boss? Did you feel unwell? Your face is red, and looks like you're sweating." Nop continue, makes freen gulping and shook her head out of control. Nop. A weapon supplier for the chankimhas.

"u-uh no. I j-just.. I just want to go back home. Like right now. Right now. Yes. Right now."

"B-but boss! We didn't finish discussing about the weapons or guns that you ask me to restock!"

Freen shook her head and standing up from her seat.

"No. Just do and restock whatever you want. Or ask heng and billy which one they want. I... I need to go." Freen quickly said and walk away in rush as if she was in desperate of something. Yes, something or someone that was in the room inside her mansion.

Freen pressed the car's pedal as hard as she could, speeding her way back to the mansion. She keep looking back to the watch that wrapped nicely around her wrist.

Its 6PM. She just went away from her not even one day. And yet? God.

"God, what is happening to me. Fuck!" She groaned when the only thing that conquered her mind right now is that certain woman. A woman. There is no way before this a woman is conquering her mind. There is no way she keep remembering what she did towards the woman every night. But, look at her right now, she was head over heels towards rebecca. She was crazy. She's crazy.

"Exactly. Im crazy."

And somehow, the thoughts of rebecca running away from the mansion, escaping herself makes freen much more flustered. Fuck! What is this! Fuck! For god sakes! Why she being like this?!!!!

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