𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1️⃣

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𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓼 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓮𝓷

Five years marked by a persistent undercurrent of sadness unfolded like a slow, gray tapestry. Each day, the weight of melancholy hung heavy, casting shadows on the passage of time. Moments that should have been vibrant were tinged with a subdued hue, and even milestones were clouded by a lingering sorrow.

The journey through these years became a delicate balance between enduring the routine and navigating the emotional landscape, with the echoes of sadness serving as a constant companion. Despite the passage of time, the sadness seemed to weave itself into the very fabric of the years, leaving an indelible imprint on the narrative of this period.

Five years is a long period. But actually its not that long for rebecca to forget everythings about freen. 

Her life unfolded as a poignant tale, woven with threads of sadness, longings, and the persistent ache of missing pieces. In the canvas of her existence, moments of joy were tinged with the shadow of unfulfilled desires. Longings echoed in the quiet corners of her heart, creating a symphony of unspoken wishes. The pervasive sense of missing cast a subtle pall over her experiences, like a melody with a poignant refrain.

Yet, amidst the melancholy, she navigated the chapters of her life, a resilient protagonist in a narrative that embraced both the somber and the hopeful.

That day, she doesn't know whether she make a wrong decision or a good decision. She killed freen when her heart beating for her, but she can't manage to see her own dad being killed by someone. And that someone is someone that she love the most. Its hurting her. Pieces by pieces, her heart being crushed when she looks back on her own actions.

The sound of gun shooting, how freen's white shirts filled red colour of blood and how the ground pooling with freen's blood too.. Gosh, its killing her and those scene still fresh in her mind.

Her hands rapidly shaking and trembling, and everything she remembers about that certain someone, her heart and her hands both felt something. Her heart was missing, was longing, was wanting, but her hands was telling her that she doesn't worth to be with that someone. She killed her. She killed her. Her hands is the one that kill the person she loves the most, and right now, she afraid to touch anything, thinking that her hands will give her another disaster.

"Mommy mommy!" A small hand suddenly pull the hem of her shirt makes rebecca comes to the reality from her thoughts as she look down and raise her eyebrows when seeing the little girl was pouting and wearing her puppy eyes.

"Yes freca baby, what do you want?" Rebecca grab her hand, and then she kneeling in front of her little girl. Rebecca stares to her and smiling widely, adoring those white-rosy skin that looks so much like her.

Freca. Freca is a younger one for the twin and yes, they're twins. Freca and Ryker. A girl and a boy. They are a identical twins, but what's make they different is : their skin. Ryker's skin is a little bit tan, while freca's skin was so soft, smooth, milky and rosy one just like her mommy.

Freca is having those big cute doe innocent eyes, lips a little thin and shaped perfectly in a heart shape, eyebrows was perfectly brushed and not that thin or thick and her nose was so sharped and pointed as if she was getting a plastic surgery.

For Ryker, he is not that's really perfect. Ryker is more like a gentle-boy. Surely, with his looks, he will attract so many women out there when he's turning 20. His eyebrows was a little thick than freca's, but not that too thick, his eyes was deep and sharp and as if he's looking to someone, they might think that he's annoyed or he's angry because of that eyes. The same eyes that rebecca also found on that certain someone. Then His lips was always frowning and his forehead was a little creased when he looks to someone. Yeah, just like i just said, he's always looking like he's angry.

"Mommy mommy. Can freca get a rabbit cake for my birthday tomorrow?" Freca lightly shakes rebecca's arm as rebecca raise her eyebrows and a little stunned. Stunned because she was planning to bake the cake by herself but... when it comes to rabbit, ugh she didn't know how to do it!

"B-but baby, mommy just want to bake the cake by my ownself. How can mommy bake the rabbit one?"

"Ummm mommy... please. Freca never had a rabbit stuff..." This time, freca pouting more and her head low down fall, looking downwards as if she was so upset and sulky with this. Rebecca sighing out loud and slightly rubbing her own nape. Gosh. She? She even barely know how to cook! But, right now, rabbit cake? Gosh.

"Freca! No! Mommy doesn't know how to do it. How can you become so stubborn huh?" Ryker suddenly come with his arms crossed to his little chest and he stares to his little sister deeply which makes freca sniffing and nearly to cries.

Ryker is a little boy that knows and somehow much more matured than another kids on his age. He knows.

"Ops. No no no. Dont fight. Dont fight okay. Come. Its okay, ryker, freca. Mommy will try okay?" Rebecca slowly pull freca, hugging her and also pull ryker too, rubbing their back together with a deep sigh.

"This evening, mommy will sent you to grandma and grandpa house and tonight you guys will sleep there too, then can you two promise you guys will be a good kid?" Rebecca softly said as she then slowly broke the hug, staring to both of her children. Ryker and freca immediately nod makes rebecca smiling widely and pinch their cheeks.

"Good boy, good girl. Tomorrow morning, Mommy will ask uncle saint to fetch you up and we will celebrate your fifth birthday! Are you excited?!"

"Yes mommy!!! Yeay!!!"

"Thankyou mommy." Ryker smiling and leaning to give rebecca a quick peck on the cheeks. Rebecca can't help but to stares to them, and suddenly her eyes teary again. Always, when with the kids, the thoughts and the memories with freen will running in her mind.

Always. Its so hurts and painful.

"Its already five years, freen. Five years we're living without you, and five years im growing up our kids with them not knowing whoever their daddy is."

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now