𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4️⃣3️⃣

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Days by day passed and month passed without doubts.

The little family is much more happier than before with freen never ever wanted to leave away from rebecca. She rapidly wanting to sleep or staying at rebecca's mansion, or sometime when rebecca is sleeping over at the armstrong's mansion, she will be there too, and she didn't even hesitate anymore to show her feelings in front of armstrong.

That changing of attitude from freen makes Mr.Armstrong and his wife getting fond of her, and really loves of having freen there. Especially as their soon to be husband and daughter in law. They're quite close right now huh. And for billy, yeah, he's the same too. He can go around to armstrong's or anywhere that armstrong 's owned but he still somehow have that walls around him that Mr armstrong could'not crashed it down.

He still keep his cold and sometimes will avoid him, as if he doesn't care about his dad at all. When freen seeing that, she only could understand and sighing her heart loud, knowing billy must be a little awkward and still upset to all of this. In conclusion, billy and Mr.Armstrong still didn't have a good conversation and closure, yet.

"Freen, this. A letter for you." Billy said, approaching freen who was sitting and resting at the living room of the armstrong's mansion while waiting for rebecca and the kids. Freen furrowed her eyebrows and look up to him weirdly.

"What letter?"

"I dont know. There is no name of senders too. They just put it in front of the mansion." Billy said makes freen quickly snatch the letter and was about to open and read it but it all stop when rebecca's voices hearing against her ears.

"Baby. What are you doing with billy?" Rebecca asking, walking down from the stairs makes freen quickly hide the letters inside her pocket and that's when her eyes meeting billy and billy understand what she was doing right now : Hiding it from rebecca. Yes.

There, at the moment, freen quickly flashed her fake smile awkwardly and turn her head to see rebecca who's holding the two twin's hand, walking together to the downstairs.

"Uncle!!!!" The two shouting happily when seeing billy and they quickly running to him, making billy chuckled and kneeling down to hug them.

"Awww... You already miss me hm babies? Uncle just didn't meet you only for two days!"

"Hm! Where did uncle goes?! Freca miss uncle so much. Uncle saints also search for uncle billy yesterday." Freca said makes billy raise his eyebrows. He's shock hearing that. Yeah, he didn't meet and hanging out with saints too much these days.

"Really? Then uncle will call uncle saints later, babygirl. Thankyou for telling me." Billy smiles and kiss freca on the cheeks. He also did the same to ryker.

Rebecca then slowly walking towards freen as she immediately hugging freen, snuggling her face against freen neck with a little kisses makes freen gasped and smiling shyly. There, billy look up to them and scoffed seeing how clingy his little sister is towards freen.

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now