ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 11

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"Here freen." Nam comes to freen and placed another piece of paper. And this time, freen slightly furrowed her eyebrows, not knowing what information will Nam give to her.

"What is it?" She ask, but hands slowly reaching to take the paper from the table in front of her. Nam slightly smirking and shrugged her shoulder.

"I dont know. I just thought that you will need this." Nam simply said while freen's eyes already focused on the paper, reading the informations words by words. Somehow, Nam could see how freen's eyes seem sparkles, her lips a little smirking, and those face seem so interested of this certain woman.

"Flower shop? Beez's flower shop?" Freen mumbled and the smirk much more widened on her lips.

"mhm. Beez's flower shop. I already send you the address. Look at your phone, and you're ready to go." Nam said, makes freen raise her eyebrows and look at her in a little proud.

"As expected. You're so quick. Not like my others men." Freen compliment her for the first time makes Nam smiling widely and slightly bow her head. Yes! She got a compliment from freen! Its everyone's goals!

But suddenly, Nam quickly become stunned and froze when she thought of something. Something that raise her concern.

"B-but freen..."

"You're not going to do bad things to her right? She's innocent, you know." Nam said makes freen scoffed and stood up from her seat, slightly throw the paper just now onto the floor which makes Nam gasped. With that, freen glares to her makes nam gulped her saliva hardly.

"You know what, Nam.." Freen slowly approach her, walking around and stop behind Nam before she taking out Nam's pistol from her jean's back pocket and aim it onto Nam's neck in a second with her other arm wrapping Nam's neck from behind too. Everythings happened so fast which makes Nam gasped, her breath stuck in her throat, and she quickly raise both of her arms. Surrender.

"F-freen F—-"

"I just complimet you a second ago. And you're being the same bastard as the others. How ungrateful you are?" Freen whispered from behind, as Nam stutters and felt like she was nearly to fall unconscious. Gosh. Freen will give her heart attack any time, seriously.

"F-freen, B-boss im im sorry. I-im sorry. Its my mistake."

"Yes. Its your fucking mistake!" Freen push Nam roughly to the forward makes Nam stepping and grasp for her own neck and chest to calm herself down. Her life was inside freen's hand, and just now, her life was nearly to end!

Freen groaned with a little scoffed before she throw the pistol towards Nam lightly makes Nam quickly catch it.

"You will move to the mansion start from today. Tell heng and billy to handle everythings with your things and tell them to start taking the stocks of our weapons aids and everything! We will start the war anytime soon." Freen coldly said, while taking her blazer as she stepping to exit her office room of the company makes Nam quickly bow her head.

"Understand sir!"


A few days had passed, and today is thursday. A day where rebecca always went to a flower shop that placed not so far from the armstrong mansion, only to buy a bouquet of roses. Oh yes, rebecca and roses cannot be part ways. She's crazy over roses. Every thursday, she will buy fresh roses and come back home only to placed it inside a beautiful vases in her room or in armstrong's mansion.

She likes flowers that much. She often went to a garden, flower shops, or workshops to learn about plants or flowers.

But, after what happened that day, today is not as easy as before. She always get forbidden by the bodyguards to go out from mansion. Especially by saints. And that's stressing her so much when today is thursday and she can't go to her usual flower shop to look up onto the flowers. 

"Saint, please? Its thursday. Please let me go to the Beez's flower shop. Its my favourite flower shop. Please." Rebecca shaking Saint's arm, with mouth pouting as if she was begging him to let her going out this time. Saints sighing out loud and look at rebecca with a little guilty coming into his heart.

"Gosh, young lady, Sir will scold me if he know this. No, you can't. It's dangerous outside." Saints said makes rebecca pouting more and letting go of his arm, playing with her own fingers with face looked down as if she was sulking.

And that's actions from rebecca makes he know that his 'young lady' is sulking at the moment. Gosh, he knows rebecca so much. Rebecca is like a little sister for him. And same as rebecca, she already thinks of saints as her big brother. That's how close she is with him.

Saints sighing again.

"Alright then alright..."

"Huh really???!!!" Rebecca quickly lift her head up, looking onto saints with her sparkling eyes. Her smile getting wider, and of course her little face lit up, glowing gorgeously.

"Ugh, dont look at me like that. I can bring you there, but in condition, you must tell Sir about this and tell him that i will bring you there with the other bodyguards too. I will make sure you're safe and under control." Saint said makes rebecca quickly nod her head.

"I will! I will tell daddy about this! Hehe thankyou! Wait a minute!" With that, rebecca quickly running to the inside of the mansion again, searching and telling Mr.Armstrong and also her mom about how much she want to go to the Beez's flower shop.

And as expected, with her puppy eyes, she will always get the permissions from her parents. Its her power. Rebecca's natural power that no one could refuse or decline.

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now