𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5️⃣1️⃣

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The dark memories of that days slowly passed and its a few days after what happened to them. But, its already a few days too that rebecca refuse to see freen. In the aftermath of the traumatic events, Rebecca found herself unable to face Freen, the memories of that horrific scene still haunting her every thought. The image of Freen covered in blood, her hands stained crimson from the violent act she had committed, replayed in Rebecca's mind like a relentless nightmare.

The sight of Freen stabbing and killing Gulf had seared itself into Rebecca's consciousness, leaving her paralyzed with fear and revulsion. Though she knew deep down that Freen had acted out of necessity to protect their family, the brutality of the act had shaken her to her core.

Every time she closed her eyes, Rebecca was transported back to that fateful moment, the sound of the blade slicing through flesh, the sickening splatter of blood staining Freen's clothes. The visceral horror of it all was too much to bear, driving a painful wedge between her and the woman she loved.

Despite her overwhelming feelings of guilt and shame, Freen respected Rebecca's need for space, giving her the time and distance she required to come to terms with what had happened. Though it pained her to see Rebecca suffering, she knew that healing would take time, and she remained steadfast in her commitment to supporting her wife through every step of her recovery.

She know, rebecca is in her trauma state. She know even thought its hurting her.

As the days passed, Freen remained by Rebecca's side, offering her unwavering love and support, patiently waiting for the day when they could finally confront the trauma together and emerge stronger than ever before.

"Boss.." A voices suddenly hearing and cutting freen's thought as she was daydreaming inside her office, thinking about rebecca.

"Hm?" She look to the side and there, she found lily was standing with a tint of smile and her hand holding a paper.

"Im here to report you of what happening."

"Hm." Freen simply answer as lily know that freen is not in her mood. And she know everything about what happened.

"First of all, Gulf and Seng are the son of Sergio Gulry. Sergio gulry was the one that killed your parents, freen. He was unsatisfied when he knows that chankimha's clan is growing better than his clan so he take decision to kill your parents even though he's right now trying to hide that fact towards you. That's why he keep a good relationship with you past few years, freen." Lily said and that's when freen's eyebrows furrowed and she totally put her attention towards her.


"Then, when sergio gulry knows that you're attacking armstrong that time, he send his son which is seng and gulf to check on what happened. During that time too, gulf started to likes rebecca exactly when you're holding her as your hostage."

"So he already likes my rebecca for a long time already?" Freen ask coldly.

"Exactly. But knowing you're holding her, its making him a little hard to approach her. So he make a plan to make you separate from rebecca, hates rebecca or whatever he could do. And during that time too, Sergio gulry dead and leaving all of the clans and properties to Gulf since he's a older brother. From that, and after what happened between you and rebecca years ago, he started to approach rebecca when you're not beside her." Lily explained makes freen raise her eyebrows more. A little jealousy rushing in her heart even though she know that rebecca never accept gulf.

"Then at the moment he really think that you're dead. But after what happened, he knows that you're coming again and not dead. From that moment, he started to plan again to kill you. He will do anything to get rebecca back. From what seng told me, he was crazy over rebecca and have a rage when rebecca keep pushing him away after she's meeting you." Lily lastly said.

Freen scoffed and fix her hair. "He's playing with fire. Im not gonna let rebecca fall for his hand. Such a jerk." Freen mumbles and earning a smiles from lily. Of course! Lily could see how loual and in love freen is towards rebecca. Freen is totally change!

"That's all, freen. And about seng, he's already in jail, and he admit everything that he did is false, but this is because of gulf's command. Basically, he's doing nothing and he doesnt have anything related to you." She said makes freen scoffed once again.

"Let him in the jail for the rest of his life. I dont fucking care. What i know is, he's making my kids and my wife in danger! And i fucking dont like that." Freen glares to lily deeply. Lily nod and smile again.

"Okay boss. Will do." With that, lily leaves freen alone again, making freen sighing out loud. Finally. Finally all this drama had done. But... what happened to her relationship with rebecca? Will rebecca slowly recover and accept her?


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