𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4️⃣

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𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓼 𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓸 𝓫𝓪𝓭

"Billy! Bi—-Nam!" Freen walking staggerly while grasping for her chest as she barged the main door of the mansion roughly makes the three looking to her in shock.

"What the fuck?!"

"What?!!" Nam look at freen in shock as freen slightly throw the box of cakes just now onto the small table before she slump her body and breathing out loud. So loud that makes  billy want to stood up and run to take her pills but heng already did that. Heng run and grab the pills, handing it to her but for the first time in freen's life, she shook her head, trying to calm down by her own self. Not using the pills.

"I-i n-need to calm down by my ownself. I me-meet rebecca. I meet her!" Freen stutters, her eyes closed and her body and head leaning back onto the couch, but this time her lips curled to a thin smile. A smile that freen rarely flashed after these years.


"What?!!!! Fuck....."

Heng, billy and Nam gasped, their eyes widened and mouth gaped open in shock. Really, all this years they never meet rebecca or bump onto her but how can right now freen was the one that bumping onto her?!

"H-how can......"

For a while, Freen's breath getting back to its normal rhythm as she slowly open her eyes and wake up to sit straight again but her hands still grasping for her thumping chest.

"P-please take me a glass of water."

Hearing that, Nam quickly stood up and rush to the kitchen, taking freen a water just like how she want. Freen swallowing a glass of plain water with a deep sigh before she place the glass on the table and look at them with her withered eyes.

"I-i meet her at the dessert cafe of your favourite, Nam." Freen said makes they all raise their eyebrows.

"I always go there! How can im not meeting her?!" Nam ask in disbelief.

"Then? Did she know you? Did she——"

"She call for me. She call my name." Freen said with her cracked voices as this time, she look down and roughly palming her own face with her both hands. One more time, the three of them stay silent, stunned on their sit.

"So she look at you. She look at your face."

"Mhm. But im pushing her away as if i didn't know her. Its hurting my heart so freaking much. I-i miss her." Freen sigh out loud, as her eyes teary when thinking how much she want to pull rebecca, hug her and telling her how much she miss her. She wish she could do that, but for now, she can't.

Billy sigh out loud and slightly running his hair with his fingers.

"You know what, freen? You can meet her and be with her anytime you want. You just need to make the decision and we will follow it even though right now im not that liking her and armstrong itself." Billy said, voices a little soft but the sterness could be feel from him. Yes, after what happened, billy likely to cut her ties with armstrong. They still remember how billy glares to rebecca that night, how billy shaking on controlling his anger and how he was so mad over the armstrong everyday.

For billy, he didn't want to admit that he's a armstrong because of how the armstrong themselve already nearly kill his bestfriend or even his little sister which is freen even though they're not by blood.

"No. I can't. I couldn't play with her life anymore. I couldn't risk her in my own games." Freen said, lifting her head and showing to them of how devastated she is. Her eyes reddened, shaky and teary and all they could do is sighing out loud when seeing freen like this.

"Yes i know. But —— uhm, whatever freen. Just follow your feelings. I know you will lose it and keep wanting to meet her soon~" Nam said and grabbing the cake box, started to open it and eyes sparkling when seeing her red velvet cakes. Freen raise her eyebrows and scoffed when hearing that words from Nam.

Its true though. Nam is true. Even right now, she already have that longing to run to the dessert cafe again and meet rebecca. Gosh.

"Yup! But you need to know that i, ops, we! We always support you and follow your decision. So tell us anytime you want to make changes." Heng said makes billy nodding and look at her worriedly. That's makes freen thinking so deeply. What should she do? Her heart was dying and her body was longing for rebecca. But, she can't manage to risk rebecca on her own way to find who's the real killer of her parents.

Maybe, this is difficult. This is hurts. Not having rebecca around is hurting her. But she can't do the mistake again. She have to be strong, she have to be genius in everything she did. All she want is Protecting the one she loves and searching for her parent's killer. That's all. That's all she want to achieve in her life.

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now