𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3️⃣8️⃣

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Rebecca awoke in the morning to a symphony of dull aches that reverberated through her entire body, an aftermath of the passionate night she had experienced. The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the contours of her room. As she shifted beneath the sheets, a tender soreness served as a lingering reminder of the physical intimacy shared in the hours prior.

Every movement was accompanied by a subtle protest from her muscles, the aftermath of a night where desire and connection had danced in the quietude of shared space. The sheets cradled the memory of their intertwining, and the room bore witness to the echoes of whispered confessions and the echoes of pleasure.

Rebecca navigated the morning with a sense of physical awareness, the aches serving as tokens of an intimate journey undertaken the night before. Despite the tenderness that embraced her body, a soft smile played on her lips, a testament to the shared moments that had woven themselves into the fabric of her memories.

She slowly scotted her body from the bed and stood up with her hand holding the wall to support herself. A hissed escaped from her mouth and before she could do anything more, a door of the room slowly open makes rebecca gasped and saw its freen who was the one that getting inside the room.

Freen stares to her, eyes stuck on rebecca's figure and yes, at the moment, rebecca from fully naked quickly tried to grab the blanket but freen quickly shook her head and rush to her.

"No baby! No. Its okay." Freen grasp for her hand, and another hand tried to grab the blanket away from rebecca and then she throw it again on the bed. Her eyes fall down to rebecca's naked body makes rebecca's cheeks quickly heating with the pink-rosy colour in embarrassed. She gulped her saliva hardly.

"F-freen! I-im—- dont stares to ne like that." Rebecca mutters when freen keep staring on her. But once she said that, freen's mouth release its chuckles as she pull rebecca and immediately lift her up bridal style makes rebecca grasp for her neck in shock.

"Why should you be shy when i'd seen everything about you. I'd kiss every inch of you, i'd lick——"

"FREEN!!!!!" Rebecca scream and hiding her heating reddened face against freen's broad chest makes freen laughing and humming.

"Alright alright... i wont tease you, princess. But let me help you hm?" Freem smiles and stepping to the bathroom, with rebecca still in her arms. And there, she help rebecca taking her shower with her eyes staring to each of rebecca's body adoringly and tongue keep licking her own lips.

Rebecca rub her body with the soap, as the droplets of water glistened on rebecca's skin with freen stares towards her from the corner of the bathroom. There, rebecca turn her head and blankly look at freen who seem biting her lower lips, eyes slightly darkened staring on her.

"What are you thinking hm? I can take a shower alone. Im alright." Rebecca said and washing her face.

"I just want to look at you. What if you fall down? Who's the one that will be blame? Me. Of course its me right? Let me see you." Freen said, her eyes was still there, stuck on rebecca's body from behind. Those smooth skin, and how rebecca seem humming while taking her showers, god. Only god knows what she is thinking.

"Ba-baby... can i—-" Freen slowly stepping closer with a gulp as rebecca turn and raise her hand to stop freen from coming closer and wetting her body too. No. Freen can't.

Freen pouting.

"No, baby. You can't. Billy is downstairs and the kids is waiting for us to eat." Rebecca said sternly as if she knows what freen is thinking and wanting. Freen much more pouting and sighing out. Loud.

"Please... only one. One round and then i promise we will go down—-"

"When i said its a no, that's mean its no, freen sarocha. Okay?!" Rebecca sternly said, eyes glaring to freen makes freen pouting and wearing her sulky face more.

"Huh!" Freen turning her body and walk out from the bathroom, leaving rebecca alone, shooking her head and chuckled lightly. Gosh, that man. Seriously, freen is that crazy over rebecca. She can't even hold herself back and always want rebecca. Rebecca,rebecca,rebecca. That's all she know.

That's how simp freen is over rebecca. And slowly, rebecca could see freen is 100 percents not like before. She's become timid, and act like a kid when she's around her. Rebecca wish, this will becoming forever. Freen, her, their kids, and their family become one, building a big happy family. This is her biggest wish and her biggest hopes.

OVER MY DEAD BODY (18+)  || FreenBecky (G!P) Where stories live. Discover now