ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 30

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Freen finally coming back to the mansion, late at night after calming herself at the company. Company and works were always calm herself as she found herself keeping busy to that. And, about company, freen's company is about stores and basically brands. A mall that she build is becoming a top mall in this country and she even build another franchises at the anothers country outside there. Its worldwide.

Not talking about the bars, restaurants, and some others business that she own. She's a multimillionaire!

Freen getting out from her car, as she head inside the mansion with the guards bowing to her lightly. She look at her watch and notice that its already 1AM.

"She must had already sleeping." She thought and slighthly sigh, before walking upstairs, wanting to head towards her room. But, when she was about to pass rebecca's room, she slightly flinched when a woman was there, standing still in front of the door of the room, yawning as if she was waiting for her that long.

"O-oh f-freen..." Rebecca composed hersef back again and rubbing her own eyes which makes freen found her so cute. A tint smile flatly appeared on freen's lips out of sudden. Rebecca then slightly make a little run towards her, facing her with her face low down in afraid. Freen's lips curled to a thin smirk as she raise her own eyebrows waiting for the little girl to talking.

Waiting and waiting, rebecca still didn't talk about her intentions.

"What?!" Freen coldly ask, as that loud voices of her makes rebecca flinched and shaking. Gosh, she's having that effect on her so much.

"I-i.. i w-want to a-ask permission." Rebecca said makes freen raise her eyebrows more. Permission?

"You're talking to me, kitten. My eyes is up here." Freen's voices sound so cold yet so hoarse and flat as if she was half whispering to rebecca. Seductive and manly.

Rebecca gulp, fingers fidgeting with each other as she slowly lift up her head to see freen's face. The moment their eyes meet, freen's eyes seem a little withered seeing how rebecca's lips is still having those purple bruises. Rebecca's face and cheeks was swollen, and her eyes was shaky in terrified. That's all the bruise that freen make by her own hand. And that's makes her heart suddenly clench out of sudden seeing rebecca like this. Fuck.

Those sparkling doe eyes staring onto her, face as innocent as a puppy, and looking so soft yet so beautiful. Rebecca is exactly like an angel.

"Ehem!" Freen clear her throat and slightly averted her eyes before she look at rebecca again to compose her own self. She's trying to control her own self. Again.

"I-i... i-i wa-want to as-ask if i can freely g-going out from this room? I-i mean, i-i want to do house chores too, at least." Rebecca stutters hardly, gulping too and the whole sentence that she let out from her mouth makes freen raise her eyebrows. Oh, Just that?

Freen smirking and slightly lean down which makes rebecca stepping backwards but before she could step back more, freen grab her by her waist with her strong arm wrapped nicely around that thin waist. Rebecca gasped and her breath started to get hitched. Their body collide to each other, perfectly matched.

"Will you be super happy when i let you do that? Will you follow my instructions? Will you not escape? And will you be a good and kind girl? At least to me." Freen whispered, nose slowly brushing over rebecca's neck as she inhale the scents of rebecca so deeply. Their body pressed to each other as rebecca's both hands on freen's hard chest could feel how fast freen's heartbeat is.

Rebecca close her eyes the moment freen's lips landed on her neck, soft and light pressed. God, it feels like she was being hypnotised. Its so intoxicating.

Freen's eyes also closed tightly, her mind and nose was filling with how good rebecca's scents is and how she wish those scents stays on her nose all the time. Or she even want those scents stays on her skin? Like, right now. God, rebecca is making her crazy. Day by day, she is crazy.

"Will you, baby?" Freen's whispered makes rebecca could feel the shivers down to her spine. Gosh! Freen stop this please.

"I-i w-will. I-i d-didn't have intention to escape. I-i will be good, s-sir." Rebecca stutters again. And those nickname makes freen pulled her own head and shook it with her fingers also lift up to 'shuh' rebecca's mouth. Once again, rebecca gasped of her actions.

"Dont call me sir, its freen. Or daddy, for you." Freen whispered again, and this time, she slightly caress rebecca's lips with a tint teasing smile plastered on her lips. Then, she just go away, walking passing rebecca makes rebecca stunned on her place. Freen... Freen is making this much more worse. No no no.

"You're so intoxicating. You're a glass. A sharp glass that could prick me but at the same time, you're a glass that i wish i could use to drink my water. You're making me crazy, freen."

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