2 • Klaus

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Sorry this has taken so long but I've finally done it, requests are open :D. For Skypruett01

Imagine your boyfriend Klaus saving you and you share your first kiss.


You always knew that living in Mystic Falls would be dangerous, you also knew that dating a certain Original Hybrid would put you in terrible positions; But you did it anyway.

You had gone to school with Elena, Caroline and Bonnie so you were used to the mysterious occurrences in the small town. After months of questioning things, they finally came clean and told you all about the supernatural wonders of the town hoping it would scare you into keeping your mouth shut. However it only lead to more questions that would put you in danger, many of the supernatural beings had warned you about being so inquisitive although you never listened.

After word had gotten around to you that the Original Vampires were in town, you couldn't contain the curiosity that bubbled inside of you. You had accidentally met Klaus in the Mystic Grill, the two of you started talking and after a while he took you out on a date. It was only when you told Caroline about it did you realise that he was Klaus Mikaelson, The Original Hybrid.

At first everyone told you to never speak to him again and to walk away before it was too late, but in your eyes you couldn't see the bad.

It's been 2 months since he first asked you to be his girlfriend and nothing had really happened, sure he took you out and held your hand but he hadn't made any kind of move. Today was your two month anniversary and you were planning to just have a quiet night in with your favourite movies and person.

Klaus was always gentle with you and never wanted to pressure you into anything, that's why he had never tried anything. Tonight was the night that you wanted to kiss him, you felt like it was right and just the thought of it made an army of butterflies swarm in your gut.

As you put out blankets and lit some candles in your lounge there was a knock at the door, your eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and confusion. You had told Klaus to come to yours at 7:30 and it was only 6:00, you had also told the others not to disturb you after 5 so you had time to get everything ready. Who else could it be?

You reached the door and looked through the small peep hole, two figures dressed in black stood on your porch and you could't quite see their faces in the half light. Stepping back away from the door, you reached for your phone to call for help. You kept your eyes trained on the door as you felt around for the phone, your hand came into contact with something and accidentally pushed a glass jar off the table. The shattering sound echoed around the house as you mentally slapped yourself, whispers were heard from outside the door followed by a deep voice.

"We know you're in there." The deep voice called out, "Come outside or we'll have to come in and get you." The two men chuckled as tears threatened to spill down your cheeks. Why was this happening? One of the men started thumping on the door loudly, trying to break it. You accidentally let a strangled squeal leave your lips as the door and walls began to shake at the force the man was hitting the door.

You didn't know what else to do but go and hide, so that's what you did. You ran upstairs and straight into your room whilst locking the door and bolting into the en suite, locking the door in there as well. Your breathing was ragged as you waited, hoping the men would give up. After one final loud thump that echoed through your house all the noises stopped, for a second you had some hope that they had just left. But then you heard footsteps on the stairs.

Each step made your heart sink further until they made it to the top and began to break down the next door, within a few attempts they had burst through the weak door. You clamped a hand over your mouth to stop any noises from coming out but it was no use as the men had already figured out where you were.

"Come out and we'll do this the easy way... or we'll come in and it won't be quite so easy." One of the men spoke making the other chuckle and sending chills down your spine. "I'll give you to the count of three." Oh god.


The debate erupted in your head of whether to go down with or without a fight.


They were going to get in and probably take you by force, but your feet were glued to the ground.


There was no other noises which made you frown as you waited for the men to break down the door, you were paralysed to the spot. Suddenly and without warning, the door unexpectedly wobbled on its hinges as the men both hit the door at the same time. The splintering sound of wood being broken echoed off the walls of the en suite, you could see some light coming through the cracks making fear consume you.

The men hit the door again and it fell flat to the floor, you shook in terror as one of the men grabbed you and practically dragged you out of the small room. You kept screaming for help but nobody was there, it didn't matter thought because you kept screaming out of fear.

"She's making too much noise." One of the men hissed, he was clearly annoyed. The other one that was holding you loosened his grip slightly, you took the opportunity to push past him and run out of your bedroom. As you made it to the top of the stairs you looked back to see they were right there.

You jumped as one of them pushed you roughly making you loose your balance, you felt the rush of the air as you fell. The last thing you saw was the men coming down the stairs before everything went black.


When you slowly opened your eyes, you were in what seemed like a warehouse. It was still dark outside and you could hear loud voices yelling followed by loud crashes.

You looked up and saw one of the men that had captured you on the floor, he looked unconscious but what if he was dead?

As you slowly tilted your head to the side to get a better look at your surroundings another loud crash echoed off the cold floor and bounced off the walls. A quick blur and the second of the men were on the floor next to the first, blood dripped out of his mouth and ran down his neck. He was definitely dead.

You closed your eyes not wanting to look at the lifeless cold bodies in front of you, a sudden tap on your arm made you slightly open one eye. As soon as you saw who it was you opened both eyes and tried to hug him.

"Are you okay Skyler?" Klaus asked whilst placing one of his hands delicately on your cheek, brushing away the tears that you didn't even know had fallen. Your throat felt too dry to respond so you just nodded, but as you did you winced at the pain from your pounding head. Immediately you placed a hand to your head and tried to relieve the aching. "You hit your head pretty hard, come on lets get you up."

Instead of helping you to your feet though, Klaus scooped you up in his arms and carried you out of the empty building.

The cool air was a nice surprise as it felt nice against your skin, you looked up at Klaus as he was walking and eventually he caught you staring.

He didn't say a word, he didn't have to, you gazed from his eyes to his lips and he began to lean in. You did the same, ignoring the searing pain in your head. As your noses brushed and lips were almost touching he spoke, "Skyler I-" but you cut him off by closing the gap between you.

His lips felt so warm and soft as they moulded perfectly against yours, he leaned in even more so that your head moved back against his arm to support it. It felt like a life time but was probably only 20 seconds, a feeling of butterflies flying at 100 miles an hour in your stomach fluttered up and made you smile into the kiss. Eventually he pulled away and gazed into your eyes with an adoring look, everything he did was so gentle and careful around you. But you didn't mind as you smiled back at him. The next words he said sent your stomach into a frenzy as if all the butterflies had decided to try and escape.

"I love you Skyler."


So this got buried and then deleted so I feel real bad, sorry if it's really bad.
I have a few requests to do but I'm still taking them, either comment or pm me :D

Stay Weird


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