12 • Damon

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This is for graciemlovesya, hope ya like :D

Imagine being with Damon but he doesn't know that you're Klaus' twin hybrid sister.


Being with Damon made you feel safe and secure for the first time in years. He always made sure to protect you, even though you were more powerful than him. However he didn't know that, he didn't know anything about your family.

You were too scared to tell him since he's never got on with Klaus and to tell him that you're his twin sister... You weren't sure how he'd react.

Family had always been important to you, but telling people you're a Mikaelson isn't always the best conversation starter. In fact it's probably the worst, nobody will want you around because they know who your brother is.

Klaus had been back in town for about a week and was already causing lots of mischief, thankfully he hadn't given away to anybody that you're related. You feared that it would happen though and soon if you weren't careful.

That's why you were now walking up the steps and knocking on the door of the house your siblings were staying in.

The door opened to reveal Klaus, he could tell straight away by the angry look in your eye that you weren't here for a family reunion.

"What are you doing here?" Klaus asked curiously.

"I could ask you the same question." You narrowed your eyes at him.

"Business that doesn't involve you." Klaus replied whilst smiling bitterly.

"Nice to see you too brother." You tried to step in but remembered that the deed of the house had been handed over to whoever and they'd need to invite you in.  "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"Not if you're still with that idiotic Salvatore brother." Klaus retorted whilst smirking devilishly.

"That 'idiotic Salvatore brother' is called Damon and yes we are still together because we have this thing we share called love. I don't expect you to have ever heard of it." This time it was your turn to smirk as Klaus' eyes narrowed.

"It won't last for long, wait until he finds out what you've been hiding. Let's see how long it will last once he knows the full truth." Klaus soon found a way to take pleasure in your flaws, it was a trait he'd always had since you were both born. "I could always go and tell him now."

"You wouldn't dare!" You raised your voice at Klaus as his smirk only grew. "What would you tell him anyway? By the way Gracie isn't just a Vampjre she's an Original Hybrid but also my twin sister." You put on a mocking voice as he rolled his eyes.

"You know I would, he'd leave you straight away without a second thought. It's Damon we're talking about, he hasn't exactly got an open heart for our family." As hard as you tried to brush them off, Klaus' words stuck in your head and made you think about what would happen.
"Besides, you could do so much better." You loved Damon too much to ever hurt him, that's why you didn't tell him. You didn't want him to hurt you.

"Just leave it Niklaus! God just give it a rest!" You screamed in his face making him stiffen slightly. You could see the rapid rising and falling of his chest whilst his fists clenched tightly. These were all signals that he was getting angry.

"You need to give the lying a rest!" He yelled back even louder making you jump. "I'm your brother, I'm supposed to look out for you and Damon Salvatore is no good for you!" You had tears in your eyes as you turned around to leave, you walked down the porch steps not wanting to hear another word from Klaus.

"Once. Just once, Niklaus. Let me be happy." You let the tears roll down your cheeks as you got into your car and drove off back to the Salvatore boarding house.

Unknowing to you that Damon had followed you to Klaus' house to see what you were up to. He'd heard the whole conversation and now sat in the shadows trying to figure out what to do.

He sped home so that he'd be there when you returned, however he couldn't think of the words to say when he saw you. He honestly had no clue how to slip it into a normal conversation.

You walked through the door to see him sat on the couch with a glass of bourbon in hand.

"Hey, are you okay?" You asked as you furrowed your eyebrows.

"Yeah I'm good." He turned to look at you, you couldn't place what the strange look in his eyes was. "Where've you been?" He asked curiously, despite him knowing.

"Well I went over to Bonnie's." You felt really guilty for lying but you couldn't exactly say you were with your twin brother yelling at each other.

"Are you sure?" Damon asked making you feel uncomfortable, you could tell he didn't believe you. "Because I just phoned Bon Bon and she said she hasn't seen you since this morning."

You sucked in a breath and looked down at your feet, avoiding eye contact with Damon who'd now risen from the couch.

"I- I need to tell you something." You sighed and decided to come clean. "I haven't been 100% honest with you."

"I know." He replied making you confused.

"How do you know?" You asked.

"Because I heard the entire conversation you had with Klaus, Gracie why didn't you just tell me?" He asked looking at you slightly hurt .

"I didn't want it to effect us." You mumbled whilst still looking down, Damon put a finger under your chin pushing upwards so that your head titled up.

"I don't care what you are or who you're related to okay?" He looked you directly in the eyes when he said it. "I love you and nothing can change that."

His words made you smile and you felt extremely lucky to see this side of Damon as not many people did. He wrapped his arms around you tightly and rested his chin on top of your head, as if your bodies were made for each other.

You'd lost track of time, not knowing how long you'd been stood like it.

But you felt safe and happy in his arms and that's all that mattered.


Damn you St Niklaus -.-
Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Stay Weird


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