67 • Elijah

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For StarlightImagine, hope ya enjoy :D

Hurrah!! Finally an Elijah imagine :)

Imagine having a crush on Elijah and not telling him, but then regretting not telling him when he introduces you to Katherine.


For many years, Elijah's face was the only one that struck your mind when you thought about it. The two of you had been best friends for nearly a century now, never doing anything without the other. It had gotten to the point where a situation wouldn't feel whole without him there as well, and vice versa.

However as all friendships go, there has to be some experimenting, and a long time ago the two of you agreed that what you guys had was platonic.

But that was over 50 years. You felt that things have changed. The way you felt about the noble original certainly had.

"What are you thinking about?" Elijah questioned and put down the book he was reading, you shrugged and sighed as he dragged you from your thoughts.

"Just about life...death. Whatever this thing is." You shrugged again as he shook his head.

"You shouldn't think about it too much, sounds like a midlife crisis." He joked whilst you rolled your eyes. "If you think you're old then try me." Elijah spoke with humour evident in his voice, trying to brighten the slightly darkened mood that you'd created. The concern he had for you, that caused his eyes to narrow slightly, made you feel safe. Secure.

"It's not that, I just feel...stuck." You murmured as he sighed before standing.

"I can assure you Belle that you have a few more centuries to live before you can worry about 'being stuck,' believe me you are far from done with this life." You rolled your eyes at his encouraging words as he moved to sit next to you. "There's far more for you to experience in this world first." He almost whispered as you bit your lip.

He felt so close yet so far, as if it was life's teasing way of saying that you'd never have that kind of relationship with Elijah.

"Like what?" You frowned and looked down at your hands in your lap, swallowing the lump forming in your throat. Suddenly you felt a gentle hand appear under your chin, guiding your head up until your eyes locked with his.
Your faces were inches apart and you could feel his warm breath fan over your face.

"Like this." He whispered, leaning forwards and sending your stomach into a frenzy of fluttering butterflies. His lips were grazing against yours, even the slightest contact was causing a swarm of emotions to stir inside of you.

Abruptly the door opened, causing the two of you to jerk back and sit up straighter in your seat. In burst Kol and Klaus as you sighed and rolled your eyes.

"Oh...it appears we are interrupting something brother." Klaus nudged his smirking sibling as the two of them didn't move.

"Yes it appears we have, we should probably go. It already took him a whole century to make such a 'big' move." Kol mocked as Elijah huffed, shaking his head as his snickering brothers backed out of the room.

"Have fun Belle!" Klaus called from the other side of the door.

"But not too much!" Kol added and chuckled, all you wanted to was let the ground swallow you up as you tried to cover your bright red cheeks.

"Please feel free to ignore them." Elijah gestured to the door as you laughed slightly, an awkward silence settling over the two of you. It felt so foreign to be with your best friend and not know what to say or how to act.

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