40 • Klaus

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For AugNTygaKillinMe , hope ya likee :D

Imagine being with Klaus and Damon kidnaps you for leverage to get Elena back.


You awoke with a jolt, rubbing your pounding head and shielding your aching eyes. It felt like you had ran straight at a brick wall without stopping and had somehow ended up here.

Where was here?

You squinted in the half light and tried to survey your surroundings, although everything seemed slightly distorted with all of the shadows catching the lights of the small candles that prevented complete darkness. It was obviously a room of sort and you were lying on the ground, propped up against a soft wall of fabric.

Turning your head, you found that it wasn't a wall but a huge bed. Not really caring for where you were or why you were here, you tried to get to your feet so that you could sit on the large bed. It would be an upgrade from the hard floor that was starting to make the small of your back ache. Slowly you struggled to your feet with great difficulty as you still felt extremely disoriented.

The clinking of a chain and a sharp tug to your arm halted you from moving any further, the sudden jerk of your arm sent pain searing through it as you winced. The fact that you were chained to a wall in a dark room made fear the only thing that was fuelling you to not scream.

Whoever had put you here had no intention of letting you go by the looks of it.

You struggled and pulled to try and break the chain, hoping that it wouldn't be that strong. However you were wrong. It wouldn't budge.

The noises you made whilst trying to free yourself must have been louder than you anticipated, because the next thing you saw was a blinding light. It strained your eyes that you tried to shield with your free arm, in the end you had to shut them and look away from the brightness.

You could hear someone walk into the room, causing you to sit back on the floor and cower into the corner where the walls met. Your breathing was heavy as the sound of your thumping heart boomed around your body, the fear was becoming too much.

"Hey shh, Nia." A familiar voice whispered, causing your whole body to tense up as a hand rested on your shoulder.

"D-Damon?" You whispered as you turned to look at him with wide eyes. He was crouched down to your level, cornering you in and leaving you with no chance of escape.

"Listen Nia I don't want to do this, but I have to because Klaus has Elena." Damon explained as you gulped, knowing Damon would do anything to get Elena back. Including killing. He must have sensed your fear and smirked slightly, as if proud of his power. "I'm not going to hurt you unless I need to, maybe to prove a point to Klaus."

Your eyes widened as he only smirked more, at this moment you hated him. He'd brought you into a situation as leverage and being so helpless made you angry.

"I-if you let me go then I-I can tell him, I'll m-make him let Elena go." You stuttered as Damon cocked his head to the side, considering the deal. After a few moments of thought, he looked back at you and laughed bitterly making your heart drop.

"Oh Nia, you aren't getting out of this that easily." Damon chuckled before standing back up, you glared up at him. He took out his phone and placed it at his ear, you could hear it ring a few times before someone answered. "Yeah I'm just here with your girlfriend, if you want her back then you better hand over Elena." He spoke sternly. "If you don't then I can easily turn or kill Nia." He smirked and without waiting for a reply, hung up.

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