79 • Stefan & Caroline

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For RosieLynch124 , hope you like it

2nd part to Imagine #68

Damon's P.O.V

It seemed like I was sat there for eternity, completely zoned out of everything and caught up in my own thoughts.

Stefan had closed the doors to their room and locked them, allowing nobody in or out until the baby was delivered.

So I sat, and waited.

Around me sat multiple families as they too waited anxiously for their loved ones. It felt so strange for this to be happening, I mean we're vampires. It's not everyday that we are able to reproduce.

The thought of becoming an uncle was slowly daunting on me, it's not something that I ever thought was going to be possible after 1864. But here we were.

Eventually I heard the door lock click as an exhausted looking Stefan stepped out, glancing around the waiting room before his eyes met mine. He smiled slightly and motioned for me to follow him inside, leaving me in anticipation over if it's a boy or a girl.

I slowly rose from the uncomfortable chair, stretching out my tired and aching muscles. The stress of the day making my every move feel sluggish and drained of energy. The excitement wearing off slightly as the clock began to tick into the early hours of the morning. 

I entered the room and instantly my ears were greeted with the loud ringing of a screaming child, groaning internally as for once in a very long time I felt genuinely happy for Stefan. Of course I'd never admit this to him. 

Cautiously I approached the hospital bed and made eye contact with a tired looking Caroline, although I could already tell that she was healing fast. My eyes quickly darted down to the small bundle of cloth that wriggled in her arms.

A girl.

I smiled as the tiny face appeared between the fabrics, her eyes barely open as she stopped crying as loudly as she was before. She was beautiful. 

I peered over at her and stared at her small hands flailing about as Caroline rocked her slightly, trying to get her to calm down. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Stefan smiling proudly, he was a father. I knew that he would do a great job of it too. Better than our father had been anyway. Again none of this will ever be said out loud for Stefan to hear. 

"Congrats brother." I nodded to him as he smiled and nodded back.

"Thanks Damon." His smile too was the most genuine I'd ever seen it. "Congratulations on becoming an uncle." He added as I scoffed and shook my head.

"It's nothing if you won't let me babysit her." I spoke as Stefan had to make a conscious effort to not roll his eyes. 

"We'll think about it." Caroline sighed and gave Stefan a look that said I was never going to babysit her.

"Does she have a name yet?" I questioned and turned back to look at the tiny child Caroline cradled. 

"Ugh...no not yet." Stefan sighed as I began to think of one, knowing that even if I picked a good one Stefan wouldn't use it. He wouldn't give me the satisfactory of naming his first and maybe only child. 

"Well I heard Damon's a girls name too." I shrugged nonchalantly as this time Stefan huffed and rolled his eyes.

"We're not calling her Damon, Damon." Stefan paused as soon as he'd said it, realising how annoying it would be if he had to address his daughter as Damon. 

"I'm just glad that the delivery went smoothly, who knew that you didn't need a witch." I half smiled at Caroline as she nodded, slightly worried that something might still go wrong. "I know what I'm going to do." I stated as Stefan frowned at me, taking the baby from Caroline so that he could hold her again. "I'm going to write a book on how you don't need a witch to deliver a baby if you're a vampire." I smirked, knowing that even at the birth of his own child I could still get under Stefan's skin. 

"Right I think visiting hours done for now, why don't you go home Damon?" Stefan questioned ignoring my previous statement and motioning to the door. "It's been a long day, I think you should get some rest." He added as this time I rolled my eyes.

"Fine I'll go, last time I bother showing up for the birth of a relative." I huffed as I heard Caroline laugh slightly under her breath. Leaving the two of them in peace with their new daughter, it still felt foreign to think that there was now a new Salvatore relative running around in this world. "Congratulations." I politely and slightly mockingly said before closing the door and stalking over to the hospital entrance, knowing exactly where to go.

I needed a well earned drink after all of this family lovey-dovey stuff. 


Sorry this one is kinda short, I hope it's okay tho :)

Yoooo so I'm updating loads this week and I hope you guys like it, I hope to finish this book for Christmas. I'll be stopping at 200 parts so it's coming up fast!!

I have some new ideas for stories that I'll be releasing at the beginning of the new year :D
Including the sequel to Dying To Live!

Thanks again you guys :D

Stay Weird


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