19 • Stefan

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For skye_sugg, hope it's okay :D

Imagine being best friends with Stefan and you both like each other but you're both too scared to admit it.


"Hey that's not fair, it's my turn to pick a movie." Stefan pouted as he joined you on the couch in your living room.

"It's my house so I pick the movie." You shrug back and laugh at him as he rolls his eyes.

"Well we can't watch a movie at mine because Damon's there and he'll just make it his mission to ruin our night." Stefan replied and put his arm around you. The two of you had been good friends for as long as you could remember, so this small gesture didn't seem like anything to you.

However lately you had been thinking about what it would be like seeing Stefan as more than just friends. Although you've known him since forever so it might make things awkward or just completely ruin your strong friendship.

"Okay fine, but can we watch something other than Mean Girls. That's all you watch I swear." He spoke causing both of you to laugh.

"Yeah, well what do you want to watch then?" You sighed in defeat and picked up the remote control to find another movie.

"Basically anything but Mean Girls." Stefan shrugged being no help at all. You were flicking through the list of movies on the screen and hoping that if Stefan saw something he'd like to watch then he'd speak up.

"There's nothing else on." You groaned and rested your head on his shoulder.

"Why don't we watch a horror film?" Stefan suggests and you move your head up so you can look at him and raise an eyebrow.

"You know I hate them." You replied and sighed. "I get scared really easily." He chuckled at your words.

"It'll be fine, besides if it gets too scary then we'll turn it off." Stefan reason and eventually you nodded, you clicked on one before getting comfortable on the couch with Stefan's arm still around you.

At first the movie wasn't so bad, and just as you were beginning to relax there was a loud jump scare. It made you squeal slightly and hide your face in Stefan's side, he just laughed at how scared you were.

"It's not funny." You groaned and hit his arm playfully.

"It kind of is, I mean it's not even real." He shrugged and you rolled your eyes at him.

The two of you continued to watch the movie until a sex scene came on and caught you by surprise, you coughed awkwardly and shuffled around uncomfortably. You could tell that Stefan felt the same way because he kept averting the gaze of his eyes from the screen to around the room before they'd land on you, however as soon as you'd look at him he'd swiftly flick his eyes back to the screen and the process would repeat in a loop.

You were mentally screaming at the tv for the actors to stop and just get on with the whole possession thing so you could turn the damn movie off.

The movie scene had made you question why you were both so uncomfortable with the subject, you were best friends and told each other a lot of stuff. Why was a sex scene suddenly making both of you squirm?

In all honesty you'd never really thought about seeing Stefan in that way, he'd always just been an extremely good and loyal friend that you felt blessed to have in your life. You loved him, but not in the way people assume. You loved him as a friend, it was a comfortable and mutual relationship that you shared. You didn't want to shatter it by taking it a step further and out of both of your comfort zones.

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