22 • Kai

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For helloitsmehh, sorry it wouldn't let me tag you properly :/ Hope you enjoy!

Imagine being captured and praying for Kai to rescue you.


Darkness was all you could see. It didn't matter if your eyes were open or closed, it made no difference.

You hadn't noticed until just now, how much your body shook from the fear and the cold. The mixture of feelings that bubbled up inside you and caused your muscles to spasm and bottom lip to tremble. It felt as if your entire body had a strong electric current running through it and wouldn't become dormant for just a second.

You were tired. Exhausted. With no idea of where you were or how long you'd been there, it was becoming too much.

The frustrating jet black surroundings and random noises that sounded every now and again kept you on edge, however at the same time they made your whole body jolt in surprise.

All you could remember was being followed home one night, you should have thought more of it than just coincidence that the car behind took every turn that you did. As soon as you pulled over and stepped out of the car, they'd grabbed you and made a run for it.

You'd been knocked out for god knows how long. When you awoke, you were here. No memory of in between.

You knew that Kai would find you, he'd do everything he could to find you. At least that's what you hoped. Then again, how would he know that you were here? He may be a vampire and a witch, but even with those powers you had no idea how long you'd be stuck here.

The faint eery sound of dripping sewage water that made you turn your nose up suddenly ceased. You frowned as you were now left with completely nothing, the sounds were the only thing that reminded you where you were. Without them it made the place shrink and corner you in, however you wouldn't let this affect you. You couldn't.

The sudden sound of the strong door creaking open made you jump and squirm uncomfortably from your seat on the cold floor. Your eyes ached as the dazzling light cut through the darkness and stunned you for a moment, it was a stark contrast.

A low level chuckling could be heard from one of the two figures that entered the room, leaving the door open so that they had a little light.

"W-where am I?" You croaked out, not realising how hoarse your voice was due to dehydration.

"Why would we tell you that?" One of them chuckled again in a deep voice, signalling they were male. The other one agreed and you realised that they were both men, you suddenly felt extremely vulnerable.

"Now, we need some information from you. You can either do it the easy way, or the hard way. It's your choice." One of the men who was nearing you spoke. As he approached, his broad shoulders slowly blocked out the light from the doorway. "How did your boyfriend get out of the prison world?" He asked the question simply as you shuffled around and tried to get as far away from him as possible, however the chains that bound your limbs halted your movements.

"Don't even try and struggle, there's no point." The other man laughed as he lunged forward and grabbed one of your arms, you cried out as you're yanked to your feet. They both grab an arm but that doesn't stop your legs from kicking out, trying to make contact with your captors.

Finally you angle your leg so that it hits straight into the back of one of the mens knee, he doesn't flinch and barely grunts in annoyance as his grip tightens.

"I thought we told you not to struggle, so keep still or there'll be consequences." He spat at you through gritted teeth.

They lead you out of the dark room and into the bright lights that buzz and flicker, you squirm and twist with your eyes screwed shut to try and avoid the harsh light that's so hard to adjust to. All you wanted no needed was Kai, you just wished he was here to get rid of these idiots.

You couldn't tell if these men had any supernatural qualities, they were strong and tough but that could just be a strong build.

"So shall I ask the question again or are you going to talk?" One of the men asks as they tie you down to a chair securely.

You don't reply, instead you keep your eyes shut and turn your head to the side. Trying to block these men out was all you could do as you sat helplessly. You knew that if you answered their question, then they'd go after Damon and Bonnie.

You remembered clearly the struggle that they'd had getting out of there, you didn't think that Bonnie and Damon should be punished because Kai tagged along on their journey out of the prison world. He's a persistent guy, you just wished he was here.

"So do you have an answer?" He asked, dragging you away from your thoughts.

"H-he d-did a spell." You mumbled and looked at the floor. A sharp blow to your gut made you cry out in pain and whimper as the other man threatened to do the same.

"By himself?" One of them asked and you simply nodded. Another punch that was slightly higher than the first, made impact with your stomach causing you to groan and slump back in the chair.

The men continued to throw kicks and punches at you until you were completely battered and bruised, everywhere ached with each movement.

"You expect us to believe that eh was in that damned prison world for 22 years and didn't bother to do a simple spell until recently?" The most angry of the two yelled in your face causing you to wince, you could tell that before Kai was sent to that world he'd done some damage to these people.

"Please, I don't know. I'm sorry for whatever happened to you, but I don't know." You pleaded as they ceased their beating. "You have to believe me."

"Hmm let me think about it.... no." One of them shouted and threw his hand up, ready to bring it down with force. You closed your eyes and braced yourself for the impact, but it never came.

Eventually you opened your eyes to see both of the men holding their heads in agony, you frowned as you thought that the only person who could do that was a witch. That's when your eyes widened in realisation, Kai walked around the corner smirking.

"Don't ever lay a hand on my girlfriend ever again." He spoke sternly to one of the men who he grabbed by his shirt and flung him into a wall with such force that the structure shook slightly and dust fell from the ceiling.

The man lay unconscious and soon the other one joined him on the floor as Kai delivered the same fate to him, he slowly walked over to them both to finish the job. However you couldn't bare the thought of watching him kill them.

"Kai don't, I'm fine. Just untie me and we'll go, they're knocked out so theres nothing stopping us." You pleaded as he stopped above their broken bodies, slowly he sighed and turned around to face you.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he walked over to you and began to untie you from the chair.

"I am now that you're here, but I think I'm going to have a few bruises." You spoke as he freed your limbs, instantly you wrapped your arms around him and squeezed him like he was you lifeline.

"Woah okay I get it I'm awesome, no need to crush me to death." He chuckled causing you to laugh and roll your eyes.

"Yeah yeah, you don't need to be so cocky, and I think you're a lot stronger than me so don't moan about me crushing you." You teased back as the two of you rose and began to head for the exit hand in hand.



"I love you and I'll never let anything like this happen to you again. I promise."


Heyy! So I can't believe that this book is #97 in fan fiction!! It's in the top 100!!!!! WHAT!!!

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you liked this one, sorry it's kind of lame.

Stay Weird


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