8 • Damon

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For casboyd18 hope it's okay!

Imagine going to save Andie with Damon and Stefan makes him pick which one of you lives and dies.


You were walking around the deserted news room with a worried Damon as he called out for Andie, you did feel a pang of jealousy at the couple although you didn't know why. You had always tried to convince yourself that Damon was bad for you, for anyone, but seeing him with another woman just set your teeth on edge. Damon's phone rang jolting you from your thoughts and halting your search.

"Party central." Damon answered as he held the phone to his ear, you guessed it was Elena calling as you were both supposed to be at her/ Caroline's party. All you could hear was a muffled voice on the other side of the line but when Damon lied saying he was at the punch bowl, you had a clear idea that she was wondering where you were. Elena spoke again and whatever she said made Damon's sarcastic smirk drop.

"Oh oh - gotta go - break up-break up... beer pong." He mumbled before hanging up the phone and turning to you as you raised an eyebrow. "What? She was asking too many questions." Damon smirked as you rolled your eyes and continued your search for Andie.

The two of you went through a door which had the words Stage 3 printed on them, it opened up into a wide dark room filled with production equipment. The eerie silence caused goosebumps to appear on your bare arms and your palms sickened with sweat.

You were too busy looking around the room that you didn't notice when Damon stopped walking forwards and you bumped into his back accidentally. Immediately you looked down at the floor trying to hide your flushed cheeks but your eyes caught sight of a black bag that you knew who the owner was.

"Stefan," Damon barely whispered causing you to look up and jump slightly as you see Stefan stood on the opposite side of the room. He looked calm with his hands behind his back and his face showed no emotions.

"Hello brother. Cassie." He nodded to you causing your breath to hitch in your throat and your heart thumping loud in your ears.

"You don't write, you don't call." Damon spoke seeming quite annoyed.

"I need you to stop following me, you're causing some... problems." This caused anger to bubble up inside you as you knew this wasn't the Stefan you'd come to know.

"With who? Klaus?" You snapped causing Damon to shift his head to you slightly as you felt Stefan's eyes bore into you.

"Shut up okay, I don't want you getting hurt." Damon's whispers were barely audible to you as he didn't turn around to look at you as he spoke, however you didn't listen.

"Are we supposed to care what he thinks?" You continued causing Damon to sigh and shift slightly.

"What you're supposed to do is let me go." Stefan spoke monotonously, causing you to gulp and look anywhere but at him.

Damon must have felt slightly bolder as he began to walk forward slowly and cautiosly, he began to speak to Stefan about all of the murders he'd committed over the past few weeks. It made you feel sick to know that this Stefan, this murderous monster was only one flick of a switch away. The way he brutally murdered those innocent people all over the country created fear and panic in your gut as you realised that he could kill you in a second.

"The thing is, I don't need any saving." Stefan spoke sending a chill down your spine and staring at Damon intently. "I just want you to let me go."

"No I've got a birthday girl at home who's not going to let me do that." Damon replied, his voice filled with daring bit of cheek.

"You know maybe I haven't made my point clear." Stefan tilted his head and averted his gaze from Damon to you before he was gone.

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