47: Klaus Painting You Would Include...

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Being painted by Klaus would include...

• Before hand he'd be trying to convince you or bribe you into letting him paint you for hours and even days.

• "Sit still love."

• "Are you done yet? I'm hungry."

• He'd be pulling tense faces as he concentrated.

• You'd be trying to make your fidgeting around as subtle as possible.

• "Please Y/N just stay in the same position."

• He'd compliment you constantly on how beautiful you are to paint.

• "Almost done love, it's looking amazing. If I do say so myself."

• After wards he'd make it up to you by doing something that you wanted, however all you wanted to do was watch cute movies whilst cuddling on the couch.

• When he's finished, he'd put it in a frame and proudly display it on the wall. Thus would make you blush a lot when people visited and complimented you both for it.


Aww haha, I have a bad image in my head because this reminds me of the scene in Titanic.
"Draw me like one of your French girls."

Oh dear 😂😂

Thanks so much for all of the lovely comments and reads!!!

Stay Weird


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