70 • Damon

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For AkshitaSri, hope you like :D

Imagine being best friends with Damon and having to help him when he's drunk, however sometimes there some slight sexual tension between you two.

Based on the song Bloodstream by Michael Suby.


Being a human in a town full of supernatural immortal creatures already sounds like a recipe for disaster. However the fact you were friends with said supernatural immortal creatures made it even more dangerous. Not to mention one of them being your best friend.

Damon Salvatore was the resident trouble maker and all around bad boy, so it always puzzled people how the two of you had ended up as best friends. Just platonic. Nothing more.

"Seriously?" You scoffed as you entered the boarding house. "It's not even 3 in the afternoon and I already have to pull your drunk ass off the couch." You groaned in disbelief, wrinkling your nose up at the smell of the stale air that mingled with the strong alcoholic scent.

"Ugh Y/N you're such a party pooper." Damon groaned and tried to roll over on the sofa, however only resulting in him falling off and onto the floor. "And anyway I'm not as think as you drunk I am." He slurred.

Some people called you brave and others called you stupid, after all you were only human and dealing with a drunk vampire.

"No I just don't like to get completely drunk off my face when the sun is still up." You shrugged as Damon huffed and staggered to his feet.

"Like I said, party pooper." He spoke bluntly, getting close to your face so that you could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Well why don't we go do something exciting instead of sitting in a house and getting drunk all day?" You offered as Damon shook his head, causing you to frown.

"No I'm over going outside today, I think I'm gunna go lie down." Damon muttered before swaying on his feet, the bottle of bourbon still in the tight grip of his hand. "Feel free to pour yourself a drink." He added before disappearing into his room.

"Did you not hear what I said before? I don't want to get drunk in the day!" You called out to him, knowing that despite his drunken state he would hear you.

You'd never seen him this wasted before and being honest it did scare a part of you, you had no idea how to deal with him when he was so far gone under the influence.

Slowly you followed after him, walking into his room to see Damon sprawled across the bed. The bottle in his hand tipped slightly at an angle, causing drips of its contents to fall onto the sheets.

"Damon you're getting your sheets wet." You sighed and tried to the grab the bottle out of his hand, however his grip tightened on it as his eyes shot open. Within the blink of an eye he was up and pinning you to a wall, the shock mixed with the slight whiplash stunned you momentarily. "Damon what the hell!"

"Why are you here?" He whispered, getting dangerously close to your neck as his hot breath fanned over you. "Why aren't you scared?" He questioned as your heart was beating out of your chest.

"B-because we're friends? Damon it's me, what are you doing?" You were beginning to panic when his grip tightened, leaving no way for you to escape.

"Have I ever told you how delicious you smell?" He asked as his hooded eyes turned dark, the veins underneath were threatening to appear.

"N-no, Damon why now? Why are you doing this?" Your voice squeaked slightly at the end as he moved even closer until his lips were grazing your neck.

"Because I'm a vampire, it's what I do...and right now I'm extremely hungry." He slurred as his sharp teeth pressed against your neck.

You used every might of strength to push at him, sending him stumbling across the room. He may be strong, but when he's drunk he has no orientation or coordination.

"Now come on get into bed, nobody wants to see you like this dude." You spoke slightly harsher than intended, not that he cared in his dazed state. His legs bumped into the bed and his whole body fell onto it, you didn't bother pulling the covers out from underneath him as you placed the bottle on the draws next to him.

"Wait Y/N!" Damon gasped as you headed for the door, rolling your eyes as you turned back around. Jumping in surprise when he stood right in front of you. "Where are you going?" He asked, getting dangerously close again. However this time his intentions didn't seem to be aimed at your neck.

"Home, I'll come back later when you've sobered up." You whispered as he came even closer to you, your faces inches away from each other.

"Please stay." He pleaded, a hand gently touching your arm.

"Damon I can't, it isn't safe." You explained as his face dropped. "Even if you didn't mean to, you can't control yourself in this state. You could've killed me and who's to say that you won't try again." You sighed as he nodded, pouting at you. "It's your own fault." You chuckled and guided him back over to the bed by gently pushing him.

He clambered onto the bed and sprawled out, sighing and looking at you with a sulking stare.

"I'll come back later, just drink some water or blood... or whatever." You shook the thought of and began to walk over to the door once more.

"One more thing Y/N." Damon called as you sighed, wondering if he'd ever let you leave.

"What?" You asked, keeping one hand on the door handle.

"Thank you." He slurred with his eyes closed, you smiled at his motionless form.

"It's alright, what are friends for." You spoke mockingly enthusiastically as he laughed, you left the room and hoped that he would just go to sleep.


Awww I don't know if I'd be bothered to deal with drunk Damon :0

Thanks for all the reads and votes!! :D

Stay Weird


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