74 • Klaus, Damon & Stefan

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Part 2 for Imagine 66; originally requested by haileymoreno, but a part 2 was requested a lot and a cool idea from nikkibops17 to do alternative endings for each of the three guys. So here we go :D



"Stefan?" You asked when he answered his phone, you were walking down the road fast.

"Y/N, are you okay?" He questioned as he could hear the urgency in your voice.

"N-no, can you come pick me up?" You questioned and looked at your hand that was shaking uncontrollably.

"Sure where are you? What's happened?" He asked and you could already hear him walking out to his car.

"I'm on the main road by the cemetery, I'll explain later. Thanks Stefan." You spoke and hung up the phone.

Not even five minutes later Stefan pulled up in his car and you got in.

"You okay?" He asked and didn't drive off straight away, instead he checked you and sat ready to listen to what happened.

"Y-yeah." You breathed out and tried to control the shakiness of your voice. "K-Klaus just came and spoke to me in the w-woods." You spoke as his face paled.

"What did he say? Did he hurt you?" Stefan asked as you shook your head.

"No he didn't hurt me, but he told me something." You swallowed hard before continuing. "H-he killed her, he killed K-Kate to get my attention." You spoke as Stefan's eyes narrowed in anger.

"I won't let him get away with this." Stefan spoke angrily as you shook your head.

"Don't worry I already made it perfectly clear that I'm not interested." You spoke as he nodded. "Can we just drive? Or do something to take my mind off of it?" You asked as he nodded, staring at you curiously for a moment. You frowned at him as he realised he'd been staring. "Is there something on my face?" You questioned with a laugh as he suddenly shook his head.

"No, no it's not that." He stammered and looked down awkwardly. "You just don't know how much I've missed you." He breathed out as you smiled.

"I've missed you too." You smiled but he shook his head.

"No Y/N I don't think you realise. I know Damon always teases me for it, you might not have heard, but he does it because it annoys me. It annoys me how you smile and say nice things but have never known my true feelings." He spoke as you gasped in surprise at his words.

"Stefan I-"
He cut you off by pressing his lips firmly to yours by leaning across the centre console of the car. You kissed back without even thinking as you realised that the feelings Stefan had just confessed also fluttered through your mind for him. You liked him. A lot.

You pulled away and smiled at him as he sighed in contempt.

"Well I took your mind off of everything like you asked." He chuckled as you rolled your eyes playfully.


You ran. Away from the woods. And away from Klaus. He didn't seem to chase after you, however you kept going. As far as you could before you found a main road.

You were panting hard as you stumbled up the road to the Boarding House, thinking of nowhere else in town to go to. The two people you knew best seemed liked your best shot.

Finally you reached the door and pounded on it a few times before Damon opened it, frowning when he saw you.

"Y/N what happened? Where've you been?" He questioned as you shook your head, tears brimming in your eyes. He saw and gave you a sympathetic smile before opening the door wider and letting you in.

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