88 • Kol

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For Teenbeach179 , sorry for the wait I hope you enjoy :D

Imagine being Elena's sister and she not agreeing to you seeing Kol


You remembered the very first time that the Mikaelson's had been described to you. Even their name sent a shiver down your spine, the things they'd done and the things that they were capable of. It scared you.

However their entire beings still interested you. You were amazed that the first vampires to ever walk the Earth were still around and you wanted to meet them. Over time the danger and fear that was holding you back merely turned into curiosity as your interest in the vampires deepened. 

Your sister however was not liking your new found interest in the vampires, mainly because of Klaus. He'd tried to kill her in the past and now Elena seemed to fear even his name. It was typical Elena really, she was always acting like your mum. She tried to control what you did and who you were friends with, but that only made you want to rebel against her more.

That's why when the two of you Gilberts had been invited to the Mikaelson ball, you'd accepted on both of your behalves. You didn't tell Elena until it was too late and the ball was that night, you laughed at how furious she became.

"So which Salvatore will you be taking tonight then?" You mocked as she rolled her eyes and glared at you.

"Probably Stefan." She shot back as you glared at her, she knew that you didn't like him. He'd tried to compel you to loose all interest in the Mikaelson's and even told you to hate them. How could you hate people you'd never even met?

However you'd been smart. After being made aware of the supernatural beings that resided in Mystic Falls, you took precautions. You'd managed to get ahold of a vervain bracelet and you've never taken it off since.

You weren't too educated on how many Mikaelson's there were, you knew of the scary one; Klaus. You knew he had a sister called Rebekah, apparently she was a bit of a bitch. Perhaps her and Elena would get on, you laughed to yourself at the thought. 

"I still can't believe that you're making me go to this." Elena groaned as you shrugged.

"Stefan and Damon were going anyway so it's not like we're in any danger with them around." You reassured her as she huffed.

"Klaus has tried to kill me though, what if he succeeds tonight?" Elena asked as a sudden wave of fear ran through you, Klaus seemed like a ruthless and merciless being. You didn't want to cross him, however you felt that if you both went tonight then he wouldn't try anything at his own ball.

"I-I think it'll be fine, think of this as making a good impression of ourselves." You replied and walked past Elena to get ready. 

A little over an hour later, you were ready to go and a thrill of excitement bubbled in your gut. The most formal event you'd been prior to this was The Founder's Party, so you were anxious to see what this ball was going to be like. A sudden knock at the door made you groan, you knew exactly who it was and you weren't planning on answering it.

"Elena, Stefan's at the door." You shouted up to your sister as she came down the stairs in a similar dress to your navy blue one, except that hers was a dark almost black. 

"You're so childish Crystal." Elena tutted as she moved past you to answer the door, smiling when her eyes met Stefan's. He wore a black suit and even you had to admit that he looked good.

"You two ready?" He asked and you both nodded, you grabbed your small bag before following Elena and Stefan out of the door. 

About ten minutes later you arrived at the grand house, your eyes widened in awe at the architecture. The house seemed to stretch out a lot and keep going the more that you looked, it was more of a mansion you began to realise as you approached the grand doorway. 

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