4 • Klaus

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This is for RaeganLWillis, hope you enjoy it :D

Imagine Klaus turning you into a vampire and telling you he loves you.


You had been a couple with Klaus for a while now and things were going well, you loved him so much that it got to the point where you couldn't imagine life without him.

That's when today you realised it, you were going to get older and he wasn't. He would always be there but you wouldn't, this made you consider your choices carefully.

"What are you thinking about love?" Klaus asked as he watched you carefully from his position next to you on the couch.

"Klaus I'm getting older." You spoke bluntly whilst keeping your gaze on the TV.

"So what's your point?" He asked, clearly confused by what you had said.

"I mean I'm getting older and you're not, it's not right." You spoke as the reality sunk in. Klaus sighed deeply as if he'd been trying to put off this conversation for as long as possible.

"Well what do you want to do about it?" He asked, intrigued in your opinion.

"There's only one thing that we can do." You grimaced at the idea that was obvious in your mind, becoming a vampire sounded really scary to you.

"I won't turn you if it's not what you 100% want, I'll never force you into anything." He smiled trying to offer some kind of reassurance and trying to make your decision easier.

"No I want to, I'm just scared." You swallowed hard before looking him in the eye and nodding. "It's what I want."

Klaus smiled lightly and leaned forward, your lips connected in a brief kiss. You kissed back eager to save the last few moments that you'd be human.

Finally he broke away and put his wrist up to his mouth before sinking his teeth into it. He guided his wrist up to your mouth and you slowly sucked on it to drink the blood. You held in a gag as the metallic liquid filled your mouth, you furrowed your eyebrows as you forced yourself to swallow it. Meanwhile Klaus sat stroking your hair and whispering how everything would be okay.

Eventually he stopped pushing his wrist against your mouth so you took it as a sign to move away. He sat there staring at you causing you to look down, you caught sight of his wrist which had already healed. You'd be able to do that soon, you thought to yourself.

"Look Raegan we don't have to do this now if you aren't ready." Klaus tried to talk you out of it but you shook your head.

"No if I wait then eventually I'll talk myself out of it, I'm scared but it's what I want." You spoke trying to mask the shakiness of your voice by coughing.

"Okay," Klaus eventually sighed and put both of his hands on your neck. "This might hurt for a few seconds, I never want to hurt you." He hissed more telling himself than you, he really cared about you.

Without a second warning you felt a rush of air and a sharp pain run down your spine before nothing but darkness overcame you.


You woke up lying on your shared bed with Klaus, he sat next to you looking at you with curiosity. Your head felt like you had run straight into a brick wall and there was a dull ache in your gums, Klaus had noticed your discomfort and immediately put his arm around you.

"Don't worry love, it'll be alright." He whispered in your ear as he held you close, you smiled slightly at his words.

You suddenly found that you couldn't stop smiling, almost laughing, then suddenly there were tears spilling down your cheeks. Your whole body started to shake as you cried into Klaus' shoulder, he grabbed your hand and squeezed it lightly.

"W-what's happening to me?" You barely whispered but he still heard you.

"You're transitioning, everything is heightened. We need to get you some fresh blood too, you need it sooner rather than later as well." He spoke with a grave face, you already knew that meant killing someone innocent. That was the one thing you weren't sure you could do, looking someone in the eyes before draining the life out of them. You slowly nodded in agreement, "You'll need to kill Raegan but I know you're strong enough to."

"O-okay," you sniffed before engulfing him in a bone crushing hug. After you broke away from him, he grabbed your hand and helped you to your feet.

"Come with me," He told you warily keeping his distance from you as if he was worried about you. You walked out of your bedroom and down the stairs into the lounge, a girl sat tied to a chair. You gulped and looked back at Klaus, "It's to make the job a bit easier." He mumbled before guiding you over to the crying girl, she looked about your age.

He moved some of her hair out of the way of her neck before slowly piercing the skin, you tried to watched carefully as the girl started to thrash around and scream. You couldn't shake the guilty feeling that swept over you as Klaus finally stopped.

"Now you try," he smiled lightly as a drop of blood dribbled down his chin. You gulped before kneeling next to the girl, she stared at you with pleading eyes but your blue orbs never made eye contact with hers. Instead you stared at her neck before leaning in, you could the blood pumping violently in her veins.

You felt an unfamiliar pain in your gums as your teeth grazed her skin before slowly piercing it. Immediately you relaxed as you tasted the sweet crimson liquid, a sudden contrast to before when you were gagging on it. The girls screams were getting quieter and she wasn't trying to move around as much, soon she stopped moving all together. You pushed her away and got up before running to Klaus and crying in his arms.

"I-I can't believe I just did that, I just k-killed her." You whimpered as the pain in your gums slowly subsided.

"Shhh, come on let's get you back to bed now." Klaus whispered before leading you back into the bedroom slowly, even as a vampire he treated you so gently.

The second you made contact with the mattress you smiled, your hand still had hold of Klaus' so you tugged on it and pulled him onto the bed with you.

"I love you so much." You whispered before kissing him deeply and passionately.

"I love you too Raegan." Klaus smiled before rolling over so he was on top of you. He began to kiss down your jaw and slowly travel down your neck, you moaned as he kissed at your sweet spot. He began to rid you of your clothes until the two of you were left in your underwear, the rest is history ;)


So I know it's not proper smut but I don't know how I feel about writing that kind of stuff if you get me :/

I hope you all enjoy it anyway :)

Stay Weird


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