90 • Kai

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I've changed the cover of this book! Hope you guys like it and sorry for any confusion :)

For Stan_Fan_Eminem , hope you enjoy :D

Imagine Kai admitting his feelings for you in the prison world but afterwards lashing out.


Kai's P.O.V


It's something that I didn't think I'd be doing during my time in the prison world.

But here I am. Cutting into the earth and shovelling it out of the way. 

My vision kept becoming blurred as my lip trembled in sorrow, the water just seemed to ooze from my eyeballs like I'm some alien creature excreting fluids. 

What have I done?

Your P.O.V

You'd been stranded in the prison world for...well you didn't quite know how long. It all seemed to blur together, it didn't help that everyday was the same. In the beginning you were sure that you were going to go mad from loneliness, with nobody to talk to or even just having the presence of another person near you.

You could remember so vividly your first day here, how you'd cried yourself to sleep. The realisation that you weren't going to see anyone ever again, your family, your friends. No one.

That was until Kai showed up.

He was extremely angry and sarcastic at the start, confused and frustrated that he'd have to live in a world with only you to keep him company. You often asked him why he thought he might be here, however he always refused to tell you. It couldn't be that bad, could it?

The two of you did get on thankfully, you didn't know what you would have done if you hadn't. You became closer as the frozen time in the prison world wore on.

Sometimes you just craved the touch of another person and it wasn't like there was a second option to Kai. However you weren't complaining, it was magnificently better than being alone.

Being with only one person in a world left you with a lot of time to talk to each other, you both spoke about your lives before this and the memories and experiences that you had. It felt strange for you to learn so much about virtually a stranger, but the more that the two of you talked, the less Kai became a stranger. 

Today the two of you were out on a walk, exploring the edges of Mystic Falls and climbing through the hills and woodlands. It had always been one of your favourite places in the tired town, even before this. You loved the fresh air and calmness, there was less noise up there and you just loved how secluded it was. However it was now even better than ever, with the complete removal of all other humans it meant that not even the odd dog walker could disturb your peace. 

You remembered telling Kai about this place once and you wondered why he had taken you both this far, it was the furthest the two of you had ever ventured from the town centre before.

"I can see why you like it up here." Kai spoke and closed his eyes as the cool wind hit his face.

"I love it. It's my escape." You replied and glanced over at Kai, he opened his eyes and smiled lightly at you.  

For the next few hours the two of you continued to wonder around the woodlands, discovering little dips in the hills and burrows that you'd never seen before. Eventually the sun began to crawl down the sky, casting long shadows through the trees. 

The air seemed to be growing cooler as the sun continued to fall, stretching its orange rays out behind the clouds. The rustling of the trees in the wind was the only sound for miles, Kai was next to you but if you closed your eyes then it would have seemed that he wasn't there at all because he was so quiet.

"Danni I have something to tell you." Kai cut through the tranquility, his voice like a razor sharp knife slashing down.

"What?" You questioned and turned to him with a smile.

"I-I...uh." He stuttered before coughing and straightening up. "I love you." He stated as your eyes widened. "I'm with you nearly 24 hours a day everyday and spending so much time with you has made me realise what a beautiful person you are, inside and out. You're the reason that I get up in the morning, without you here I most certainly would go mad and I couldn't ask for better company." Kai spoke, nearly bringing tears to your eyes.

"Kai, I don't know what to say." You laughed slightly breathlessly. "I love you too." You smiled after a small pause. It was true. When you thought about it, you'd never been so close to one person before. It scared you, you guessed that was why you hadn't chosen to accept it earlier. But you loved him.

Something in Kai's face suddenly seemed to change. His eyes seemed to darken as his face dropped from the happy smile he had worn not seconds ago. It was like something had clicked.

"No." He spoke suddenly as you frowned at him. "You can't...you can't love me." He shook his head and stepped away.

"Why not?" You questioned with furrowed eyebrows. 

"Do you want to know why I'm in here?" Kai nearly shouted, causing you to jump slightly before cautiously nodding. "I killed my three younger siblings!" He screamed in anger as you gasped, taking a slight step back.

"Kai I-"

"No no no! I never should have told you that...you shouldn't know that." Kai spoke more to himself, he seemed to be going mad.

"Kai I don't care about your past, just calm down." You pleaded, despite the fact that you were actually deeply disturbed by this side of him. How could you have lived with someone and not know that his personality could change in the blink of an eye. 

"No not that! I shouldn't have told you that I loved you." He spoke as you frowned and looked at him in confusion.

"What? Why?" You questioned as Kai stepped forwards, however you didn't move away because you didn't want to anger Kai any further.

"Because...now I have to kill you." He whispered with manic murderous smirk.

Swiftly he pulled out a razor sharp knife, slicing it across your neck. The pain erupted through you instantly as both of your hands tried to cover your wound, crimson blood seeping through your fingers as you choked on it at the same time. Sinking to the hard ground and breathing in your last few gasps, instead of looking at Kai you stared past him. Focusing on the sunset as it finally fell beneath the tree line and out of sight. 

You breathed out for the last time as a bright light burnt your vision, stilling your body and allowing you to finally be free of the prison world. Just not in the way that you'd hoped. 

Kai's P.O.V


It's something that I didn't think I'd be doing during my time in the prison world.

But here I am. Cutting into the earth and shovelling it out of the way.

My vision kept becoming blurred as my lip trembled in sorrow, the water just seemed to ooze from my eyeballs like I'm some alien creature excreting fluids.

I loved her...

I truly loved her...

But I didn't deserve her...

I didn't deserve such happiness...

Such beauty...

I deserve to be alone...

So I killed her.


Oooooooooo wow okay, so this was just a reminder that Kai's a bit of a sociopath. :O

I changed the cover which I'm really happy about, I've also made one for the second book!!!!! So excited guys :D

Stay Weird


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