32 • Damon & Alaric

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For kiki_luv16, hope ya like!

Imagine Alaric being your father and not approving of you being with Damon, so you sneak out...


"I'm going out Dad!" Your voice echoed through the small house that was owned by the one and only Alaric Saltzman, it was getting late and you were off to the grill with 'Elena, Bonnie and Caroline.' That actually meant that you were going to the grill with Damon, saying you were going with the girls was your cover up.

"Again? I thought you only went out with them the other night?" Ric asked as he appeared in the living room doorway, his question made you groan as you wished he would just let you out without any questions.

"Yeah well it was so fun that Caroline's organised for us all to do it again tonight." You smiled at him. You hated lying to him, but you knew he wouldn't let you out if he found out about Damon and you.

"Really? Is that right?" He asked in a sarcastic way, making you cautiously nod your head.

"Y-yeah! I'm running late so I have to go." You mumbled and went to open the door, however Ric's voice stopped you.

"You're not going anywhere Y/N until you tell me what's going on." You frowned at his demand, thinking about what he could be talking about.

"There's nothing going on Dad, I'm fine." You shrugged causing him to chuckle slightly.

"I meant between you and Damon." This made you freeze on the spot with widened eyes and your heart began to beat faster in panic. "I saw the two of you yesterday, you looked very close."

"Y-yeah, we're g-great friends." You stuttered and looked around the hallway, avoiding his gaze completely.

"Just friends?" Ric cocked his head to the side, the smile evident on his face. You could tell that he knew you were more than friends, he was just trying to get you to admit it.

"Mm hmm." You nodded and just wished you could run out of that door right now, however that would result in a lifetime of being grounded.

"Are you sure? Do friends look at each other like that nowadays?" He was still smirking when he said this and you gulped, not wanting to admit to your dad that you were seeing his drinking buddy.

A text on your phone made you jump out of your skin before looking down to read it, it was from Damon.

Damon: Where are you? :(

Y/N: Dad won't let me out, dw I'm working on it.

Damon: Okay, see you soon

You glanced back up to see Ric with a raised eyebrow at you.

"Who was that?" He asked whilst keeping his gaze on your phone, you quickly shoved it into your back pocket.

"C-Caroline." You stuttered badly again. "Look Dad, I'm really late to see-"

"Damon? You're going to see Damon right? Because Caroline is going to a party tonight with Elena and Bonnie." He stated causing your jaw to drop slightly and you groaned.

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