45 • Klaus

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For iloveme1615

Imagine being compelled to turn your humanity off by Kol & Klaus helping you turn it back on.


"Stop it Klaus." You laughed as your boyfriend of 2 years poked you in the side, resulting in you jerking away.

"Not until you admit that you're ticklish there." He replied as you rolled your eyes, your family and Klaus' had always been close. You knew what he was, and you weren't scared. In fact you'd asked him to turn you on numerous occasions, all of which he'd said no.

"Not until you turn me." You countered as his jaw clenched and you immediately dropped the joke.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not turning you, you won't be able to handle it." He growled as you huffed but nodded.

"Fine, maybe I'll find someone else to then." You shrugged and got up to leave, knowing it would wind Klaus up. He knew you wouldn't ever ask anyone else, which is why he knew you were bluffing and didn't stop you.

"Off you go then." He smirked when you got to the doorframe and looked back at him.

Unknowing to you was that Kol had been listening to your conversation the entire time, he'd always been jealous of the relationship that you had with Klaus. Always looking for ways to meddle with it, now he was seeing a great opportunity.

You opened your mouth to reply with a smart comment, but felt someone grab your arm and pull you. You cried out as you whirled through the air, gripping onto the person for dear life.

Finally they set you down on your feet, but you were wobbling slightly. You blinked and looked around to see that you were in the old cemetery, you frowned as you looked up to see Kol.

"Kol what are you doing?" You asked in confusion.

"I'm doing you a favour." He murmured before biting into his wrist and forcing it against your mouth. You tried to cry out and push him away, but he was way too strong. The thick liquid filled your mouth until you had no choice but to swallow it, gagging as you did. 

He swiftly pulled his wrist away once he'd thought you'd drank enough, then placing two hands on your neck. Before you had the chance to register what was going on, a sharp pain shot up your neck followed by darkness.

You sat up fast with a gasp, groaning as your head hurt slightly. Turning to see Kol sat on a rock with his signature smirk snaking its way across his lips. It was already dark out as you looked up, seeing you were still in the old cemetery.

"Finally awake then." He mumbled and stood up, walking towards you.

"K-Kol you t-turn-ned m-"

"Shh it's okay Sam, you're safe- ish." He added at the end causing you to gulp, a deep hunger erupted through your dead body. It was unlike anything you'd ever experienced before and it hurt like crazy. "Oh and I took the liberty of bringing you dinner." Kol chuckled as he walked over to the rocks he was sat at.

He uncovered them to reveal a girl around your age who wasn't moving, blood spilling from her head.

"Is she d-"

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