52 • Damon

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For bieberdash2 , hope it's okayy :D

Imagine liking Damon and your best friend Stefan encouraging you to tell him.


"Come on Sanju," Stefan called back as you trudged up the large hill in the woods.

"Why are we doing this again?" You question slightly out of breath, despite the fact you're a vampire.

"Because it's fun and you could use some fresh air, you know to clear your head." He shrugged as you groaned.

"Stefan no offence, but this isn't even remotely fun." You huffed as he laughed from up ahead of you.

"It is if you can keep up, come on we're nearly there." He called which made you roll your eyes, he'd been saying that for ages now.

Finally you struggled to the top of the hill were a lone tree stood, you new this was where Stefan went to think. You felt extremely lucky, being his best friend, that he would share this place with you.

"So why do I need to clear my head?" You asked as he chuckled slightly. He patted the spot by the tree and you both sat down, leaning on it.

"Because I know you have feelings for Damon." He smiled as you gulped.

"H-how L-lo-"

"Since 1858, the year you first met us. I saw the way back then that you looked at him and he looked at you." Stefan cut you off and explained. "Back then I thought it was just an innocent crush, or something that you'd grow out of."

"But here we are." You sighed as he chuckled.

"Yep, a century later and you still have feelings for my brother." He said as you laughed. "But seriously though Sanju, you need to tell him."

"But why? Like you said it was just an innocent crush." You huffed as he shook his head.

"I said it was innocent in 1863, the three of us were all human." He laughed. "However over a century later and your feelings haven't shifted, so I'm guessing it's something more than an innocent crush."

"Ugh Stefan, can't you just leave my love life alone?" You groaned as he chuckled.

"As your best friend I think I'm entitled to know who you like." He nudged you playfully as you rolled your eyes.

"Well maybe I like Damon... Slightly." You say and try to convince yourself more than Stefan.

"Seriously?" Stefan raises an eyebrow at you. "Do you remember the first time we met each other?"

"Yeah of course I do, you guys were playing some game on the lawn." You laughed and stared out at the vast expanse of woodland that the large hill overlooked.

Mystic Falls - January 1858

"Welcome Miss, it's a pleasure to have you here." Giuseppe Salvatore nodded his head to you.

"It was very kind of you to take me in." You smiled and nodded politely back.

Giuseppe was good friends with your father, as they often worked together. When your father had fallen ill and was no longer able to care for you, it was actually Lillian Salvatore that offered you a room in their home.

"Oh Sanju welcome." Lillian smiled warmly as she came down the stairs. "It's so good to see you, how's your father?" She asked as she brought you in for a big hug.

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