75 • Main TVD Guys

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WRITING CONTEST WINNERS (Scroll for the imagine below this if ya want)

First off I'M SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT (I'LL EXPLAIN AT THE END) thanks to everyone who entered, I honestly didn't think that many people would. I loved all the entries and it was extremely hard to pic just three, comment if you'd like to see me do this again sometime because I enjoyed it :)

Here's the top 3 below:





For Aaliyah_Mikaelson21

Imagine Klaus, Elijah, Damon & Stefan all liking you, but you sleep with Damon and have to tell them all.

*Mild Smut Warning ;)*


It was one of the worst kept secrets in Mystic Falls that you captured the hearts of a few of its supernatural inhabitants. You didn't mean to and you couldn't help it, you didn't even know until a few weeks ago so God knows how long it's been going on.

When you'd found out, at first it had taken some time to digest, you didn't know how to act around the men who seemed so obsessed with you. However eventually things had returned to normal...ish? Well as normal as Mystic Falls gets.

Tonight was going to be an end of the week celebration at the grill with the girls, you felt in dire need of a catchup with them all without the hassle of the supernatural world surrounding you all. You wore some jeans and a black top with some lace details around the neck and sleeves.

"So Aaliyah, sorted out your little 'problem' yet?" Caroline questioned with that nosy glint in her eyes, referring to the fact that 4 of Mystic Fall's vampires liked you, as she once again made other peoples business her own.

"Uh well we've all kind of just made an agreement to pretend it never happened." You tried to brush it off cooly as Bonnie laughed, to her the situation had always been just one big laugh. 

"Really? That's not what Stefan told me, he said that they all still like you but nobody's making a move because they've made a pact." Caroline spoke as the remaining three of you raised your eyebrows in interest.

"What sort of pact?" Elena questioned as you nodded, urging Caroline to continue.

"Basically that if one of them can't be with you without the rest fighting, then none of them can." She spoke as you frowned.

"Who says I'd wanna be with any of them?" You questioned as Caroline and Elena's eyes widened.

"You do realise who we're talking about here Aaliyah? Why wouldn't you pick one of them?" Caroline exclaimed as you rolled your eyes, tired of the whole subject.

"Okay enough of this, I don't wanna talk about it anymore." You sighed before grinning. "So lets just get some shots and forget about the last couple of weeks." You smiled as the others nodded and laughed in agreement.

[About 10 shots later]

You don't know how or why, but everyone had gone home because it was about 3 in the morning. Now you were stood outside the boarding house, not too sure of how or who got you here. You were pretty sure that Elena dropped you home but you decided to go on a walk, grabbing another bottle of god knows what from your house before hand. Wherever that bottle had ended up now you were pretty sure it's empty. 

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