98 • Kol

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For stefananddamonandme , hope ya enjoy :D

Imagine Kol introducing you to his brothers but getting jealous.


Your friendship with Kol had always been unlikely and playful. It was unlikely because you're a werewolf whereas he's an original vampire. However somehow the two of you made it work.

You don't know why you'd grown so close to him but you had and the two of you just seemed to blend so well. You both told each other everything, including all of your secrets that you'd never told anyone before.

However there was one that Kol vowed he would never tell you, because it involved you. He didn't want you to find out as he feared that you'd reject him and that it would ruin your strong friendship. He liked you. And not just the mutual liking that was your current friendship. But he liked you in a less platonic way and in a more romantic way.

Of course you'd never know this as Kol claimed he was very good at keeping his secrets, despite the fact that you knew them all apart from that one.

Something Kol had wanted to do for a while now was introduce you to his family, his brothers. He wanted to show them what a true friendship was and wanted to see the look of jealousy they would have when they'd see you.

"Do we really have to do this?" You groaned as you trudged up the chalk white gravel next to Kol, towards his family home. You were quite scared about meeting Klaus and Elijah, you'd heard a lot about them and just prayed that they were as nice as Kol.

"It'll be fine, really you don't need to worry about anything Caitlin. I wouldn't let them harm a hair on your head." Kol reassured you as he opened the front door, allowing you inside.

You had been around the house before but never when his brothers were home or in town, so you were wishing that you'd make a good first impression on them.

The first person to come and see who had arrived was a tall guy wearing a button up shirt and suit trousers, his dark hair was styled tidily and he seemed to have an air of elegance about him.

"Caitlin this is Elijah." Kol gestured to the man in front of you as you smiled politely at him.

"Pleasure to meet you." He smiled back and nodded his head slightly.

"...and this is Niklaus, but you can call him Klaus." You turned around and smiled again as Kol introduced you to the next Mikaelson brother.

He was slightly shorter with dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes, he smirked at you before taking your hand and gently kissing it.

"It's nice to finally meet you love." His smirk never fading as he spoke. "Kol is always talking about you." Klaus spoke as you blushed slightly, glancing at a slightly annoyed Kol. He seemed to have a hint of anger in his eyes towards his brother as Klaus released your hand graciously.

"Anyway, moving on would you like a drink Caitlin?" Kol questioned and guided you into the kitchen as his brother's followed behind him.

"Sure, what have you got?" You questioned and stared with wide eyes at how large their kitchen was. Kol began to list the different alcoholic beverages that you could have as you turned around to view the entire room until your eyes landed on Klaus'. He continued to smirk at you as you raised an eyebrow at him, questioning what he wanted.

This seemed to only interest him further as you'd bravely challenged his smirk, as if it was something that few people would do. However Kol's words were echoing in your mind, 'I wouldn't let them harm a hair on your head.'

"Are you even listening?" Kol asked as he glanced between Klaus and yourself, he looked slightly flustered as Klaus rolled his eyes.

"I'll have a drink if you're offering, brother." Kol smirked, winding up Kol as he nodded. You could tell that Kol was trying to keep calm in front of you, you guessed that if you hadn't have been here then there would have already been a few arguments.

"I'll just have a small glass of white wine please." You smiled at him as Kol nodded and went to poor your drink.

"Klaus get your own, I'm busy with Caitlin's." Kol snapped as Klaus sighed and moved past you, deliberately brushing your side as you shook your head and smiled. Elijah made eye contact with you as he too shook his head.

"Please ignore my brothers impolite behaviour, they can both be very rude at times." Elijah apologised but you shook your head.

"Honestly it's fine, it's quite amusing to watch." You laughed as he chuckled.

"Here you go love." Kol smiled and handed you a glass, you smiled and thanked him before taking a sip.

"This is really nice." You complimented and took another sip from the glass, loving the wine. It must have been expensive, you thought.

"It's from my private collection I believe." Elijah pointed out as you looked at him apologetically.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realise." You spins but Elijah held up a hand to halt your apology.

"It's fine, it's not like it's wasted on one of my brothers. I only save them for very special guests." Elijah smiled as you blushed slightly feeling special as you drank the wine.

You turned to see Kol's eyes burning into you, he looked livid and you frowned at him as you had no idea why.

"Caitlin may I speak with you in the hall?" Kol asked as you nodded with a smile.

"Your brothers are really nice." You smiled at him once you had both stepped out of the room, Kol visibly clenched his jaw at your words. "Is something wrong?" You questioned as Kol sighed.

"Yes, they are doing it to wind me up. I know it." Kol growled as you frowned.

"Doing what?" You asked in confusion.

"Flirting with you." Kol sighed and you laughed slightly, thinking he was definitely overreacting.

"I don't think they were Kol." You shook your head, he looked down slightly sad.

If only she knew, he thought very sadly. But that's a secret for me to know and who knows? Maybe one day for her to find out.


Haha poor Kol, oh well. This would be so funny :)

Stay Weird


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