23 • Kol

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For graciemlovesya, hope ya likeee :D

Imagine having an argument with Kol and Klaus and Elijah force you two to make up.

"Gracie don't lie to me! He was all over you!" Kol practically shouted as you both got into your car, Klaus following behind and climbing in the back. He'd tagged along to come down to the grill with us, something about seeing Caroline there.

"Kol we didn't do anything, he was just showing me how to play Pool." You sighed in response as you put the key in the ignition and started the car up with a shudder.

"Sure he was, that was just an excuse for him to put his hands all over you." Kol snarled back, clearly extremely angry.

"That doesn't mean you have to kill him!" You shot back causing Klaus to burst out laughing. "Shut up Klaus, you're supposed to help me with these kind of things." You groaned.

"How can I help?" He whined and sighed deeply.

"Tell Kol that what he did was immorally wrong." You nodded to your boyfriend who was slumped in his seat and looking out the window as the car pulled out onto the road.

"Brother what you did, although highly amusing, was morally wrong." Despite the fact that you had to keep your eyes on the road, you could practically see the smirk on Klaus' face. He was enjoying this way too much and you could tell that he was mocking you.

"Klaus be serious!" You practically shouted at him which only caused him to laugh more.

"You didn't see it, but he was looking at you like a piece of meat!" Kol argued back and you sighed deeply.

"That doesn't mean that you have to kill him, just threaten him outside or something but don't actually hurt people." You offered in a softer tone as you grew bored of your arguments, they happened way too often for your liking.

Klaus was thinking the same, he was tired of the constant bickering that was all he kept hearing from you guys.

"I'm just looking out for you love." Kol reasoned as you pulled up outside the grand house that stood proudly.

"Yeah well I don't need you to." You grumbled before opening the car door and swiftly exiting the car.

"Hey! You should thank me for protecting you!" He yelled as you walked up the steps, two at a time.

"No Kol! I'm not going to thank you for killing a stranger!" You shouted back causing a light to go on in one of the upstairs rooms.

"Don't you think that both of you should just leave it?" Klaus asked as all three of you walked inside.

"Not until he says sorry for killing some random guy that didn't deserve it." You spoke childishly.

"Well you're going to be waiting a long time darling, because that's not going to happen." Kol growled in your ear before walking up the main staircase and past a now awake Elijah that you'd woken up with your yelling.

"Just leave him, he'll cool down after a while." Klaus reassured you as the two of you also began to climb the stairs.

"I'd just advise not to push him too much." Elijah warned in a sleepy voice as he turned to return to his own room.

"Okay thanks, I'll see you both in the morning." You half smiled and slowly walked into your room, wanting to stall as much as possible.

You very slowly got changed and ready for bed as Kol simply lay on top of the covers, glaring at you the entire time. However all you did was look at the ground to avoid eye contact with him.

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