49 • Klaus

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For Teenbeach179 , hope you enjoy :D

Imagine being Damon's twin but you've been secretly dating Klaus for a while.


"Where are you going?" Damon asked from the couch, you groaned at how badly you'd tried to sneak out.

"Out." You shrugged and put a hand on the door, however he stopped you by standing up.

"Yeah but where?" He quizzed as his eyes narrowed.

"To see... Bonnie. Yeah I'm meeting Bonnie." You lied quite poorly but it Damon looked convinced, idiot. You smiled at the thought as Damon sighed.

"Okay just don't be too late back, with the Mikaelson's back in town and all. Who knows what they're up to." He spoke bitterly causing you to gulp, but reluctantly nod in agreement.

"I won't be too late, see you later." You smiled at your brother before opening the door and swiftly closing it behind you.

The cool air from the on coming night was relieving on your tense body, you hated lying to Damon but in circumstances like these it was necessary.

You began to walk down the road until you saw Klaus' car pulled over in a bus stop. Just in the fading light you could see your boyfriend leaning against the car. As you neared he sensed your presence and turned to face you, the corners of his lips quirking up into a small smile.

"Managed to get away then, love?" He mocked as you scoffed at him, hugging him tightly and staring up at him.

"Yeah but I had to lie and say I was at Bonnie's, I hate that we have to keep it a secret." You pouted slightly.

"I think it's better than starting a big fight between our families though Marina." Klaus chuckled as you smirk and agreed.

"I just wish we didn't have to hide, that's all." You shrugged as Klaus nodded and gestured for you to get in the car.

"Where should we go then love?" He asked after shutting his door and starting the engine of the car with a dull rumble.

"Hmm... Can we just drive around for a bit?" You reply as he nods and pulls out of the bus stop.

Damon's P.O.V

It was starting to get really late and Marina still wasn't back. I'd always worried about her 'a bit too much' as she liked to say. It was ever since she became a hybrid, I could never forgive Klaus for that.

I sighed and looked at the clock, 12:30am. She said she wouldn't be too late, so what could have held her up?

Visions of the worst scenarios started to drift into my thoughts as I began to panic, wondering why she'd be out at this time. I know she's a hybrid and can look after herself, but as her twin I just feel extra overprotective of her. Although I'd never admit that to Stefan.

I waited for another half an hour before calling Bonnie, I had to find out where Marina was.

"Hello?" Bonnie answered groggily as if I'd woken her up.

"Bonnie, is Marina there?" I asked worriedly.

"No? Should she be?" She questioned sounding confused, causing panic to flutter in my gut.

"What time did she leave?" I asked as Bonnie yawned.

"Damon what are you talking about? She hasn't been around tonight." Bonnie stated as my eyes widened and anger filled my veins. Without another word, I put the phone down, walked out of the house and got into my car.

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