47 • Stefan

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For five_seconds_of_luke , hope ya enjoy :D

Imagine Stefan coming to watch your college's musical on it's opening night.


You nervously peeped between the two red curtains, trying to find the one comforting face in a sea of strangers. It was the opening night and he'd promised that he'd be there.

It seemed like he was the only thing that soothed your nerves yet also created a frenzy of butterflies in your stomach at the same time. You weren't sure if suggesting you perform in front of him was a good idea anymore. Contradicting thoughts entered your mind as you began to wonder what if he thought you were bad? What if he laughed?

The thought made you feel even more nervous as you sighed and scanned the audience one last time.

"Looking for someone?" A familiar voice questioned from behind you causing you to jump, swiftly you turned and smiled in relief. Seeing Stefan reassuringly smiling back at you made all of the nerves float away.

"I thought you weren't going to show up." You mumbled as you hugged him tightly, he chuckled lightly.

"And why wouldn't I?" He raised an eyebrow at you as you just shrugged.

"I don't know." You sighed and looked down, feeling slightly bad for thinking that he didn't care.

"So how are you feeling?" Stefan asked, changing the subject.

"Good, great! I'm so ready for it." You smiled and he laughed and shook his head.


"Okay no I'm a nervous dying wreck inside." You admitted and chuckled as your shoulders sagged, he wrapped an arm around you and just smiled. "What?" You asked.

"You're so cute when you freak out like that, and you look amazing by the way." He motioned to your costume as you blushed. "I know you're going to be great Kay."

"Stop Stefan, what if I'm not? You're making me sound amazing, you're going to be disappointed." You shrugged and looked up at him as he frowned.

"No you will be amazing, you just need to believe in yourself more." Stefan spoke confidently as you tried to suppress the rising panic. "Just enjoy yourself up here, and promise me you're not worrying about what I think?"

"Promise." You smiled and lied, but he could see right through it.

"Don't believe you for a second, I don't believe that you're terrible either. Otherwise they wouldn't have given you the main part would they?" Stefan reasoned whilst smiling lightly.

"I guess not." You shrugged.

"I love you lots you know, no matter what." He spoke as you blushed.

"I love you too, I better go get ready, see you after the show." You smiled and kissed him on the cheek, laughing when your lipstick left a mark causing him to look at you in confusion.

"What?" He asked and rubbed his cheek, smudging the stain and looking like he'd just been slapped pretty hard on his face.

"Nothing." You smiled cheekily before beginning to walk back into the wings and towards your dressing room.

You tried to keep calm and breathe as you could hear the music starting and the audience clapping.

"You're on in 2." A stage hand spoke through the crack in the door and you nodded, rising from your chair. After one final glance at your appearance in the mirror, you sighed trying one final attempt to calm yourself before walking out of the door.


The performance whizzed past in a mad blur, nothing went wrong and you felt that it was a great opening to the rest of the week. You felt that you did your part as best as you could, loosening up and getting more into the role of the character towards the second half of the show.

Finally the encore music sounded and you walked back on stage with the main cast, bowing to the applauding audience and searching for Stefan.

The lights on your face made the mass of people blur together, making it impossible to see anyone. In the end you gave up with trying to find him and enjoyed the moment.

After a few minutes, all of the cast had come on stage and bowed for the finale. The curtains moved until the audience were out of site and you breathed out in relief and happiness.

Everyone began to walk back to their dressing rooms, congratulating each other on their way. You smiled and returned the many compliments that you received until you were safely in your dressing room. You slumped down in the chair and took a moment to take in everything that had happened.

"Bravo." Stefan's voice sounded causing you to jump out of your skin, he chuckled and emerged from the corner he had been sat in.

"Thanks." You smiled and put a hand to your thumping heart, Stefan walked over to you holding a delicate red rose.

"Why did you doubt yourself so much Kay? You never told me you where so talented." He smiled down at you, handing you the precious flower.

"I didn't think I was." You blushed, despite being told many times that night the same thing. However hearing the compliment from Stefan lit up your whole world and made the night complete.

"Believe me you are, I think you'll go far." He spoke encouragingly, making you feel like you could do anything. You wrapped your arms around him tightly and stared up at his eyes.

Slowly you leaned in and tenderly placed your lips on his, he moved his lips against yours with slightly more force. You wanted to stay in that moment forever, just you and Stefan.

"Thank you for coming tonight." You smiled up at him as you pulled away. "I love you so much." You whispered as he rested his forehead on yours.

"I love you too."


Double update!! Sorry for not updating sooner but I've been binge watching Game Of Thrones :D

I'm absolutely addicted and have watched 4 seasons in a week! I know most of you said to watch Supernatural but my friend made me watch GOT so I'll watch supernatural next :D

Can we just talk about Jon Snow for a second 😍😍😍

Anyway I've got something awesome planned for this August, if you read the a/n on the last chapter you'll know :)

Very excited for it :D

Stay Weird


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