15 • All Of TVD Guys

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So this is for you amazing readers! Thanks for getting this book to 100k!
The gif gives me life :')
I honestly can't believe it and I love you all for reading it!!!!

This was suggested way back that I do an imagine with all of the guys, when I'd only just started this book in July. However I wanted to save it for a special occasion. So I thought why not now :D


It was just an average day in Mystic Falls, well as average as it gets. You sat in the square on a bench writing in your diary about how calm things had been lately, which was unusual for a town full of supernatural beings. It was even more strange considering the Mikaelson's had taken up residence at the moment and still things were calm.

You felt sort of sad as it was your birthday, but it seemed like nobody had remembered. Nobody had called or texted, or even spoke to you today and it was already past noon. You'd asked the other day if anybody was free to go out but they all apologised and said they were too busy.

You were interrupted from your writing by the sudden grumble of your stomach. Seeing as you were near the Grill and Matt was on his shift, you decided to walk inside and grab something hot to eat for lunch. You walked up to the bar and saw Matt stood behind it, whilst Tyler and Jeremy sat at two stools talking away. As you approached, Matt's face lit up causing the other two to turn around and see you.

"Hey y/n!" Jeremy smiled at you and you smiled back, although he didn't say anything about your birthday.

"Hey guys, what're you talking about?" You asked and took a seat next to Tyler.

"Oh nothing, just...really boring stuff." Tyler spoke whilst laughing awkwardly and rubbing the back of his neck. You glanced at Matt and he just shook his head before going to take someones order.

"Really Ty? You're an extremely bad liar." You raised an eyebrow at him as he nervously looked at Jeremy who just shrugged.

"Don't look at me, you're on your own with this one." Jeremy laughed causing you to as well.

"Why can't I know what you were talking about?" You asked confused.

"Because it's none of your business." Tyler smirked cockily at you, making you roll your eyes. "Anyway what are you doing here?" He asked changing the subject way too quickly.

"None of your business Ty." You fired back, this time it was your turn to smirk as he rolled his eyes.

"You had that one coming dude." Jeremy chuckled as Matt walked back over to resume talking with us. You could see that out of the corner of his eye he kept giving you nervous glances, as if he was worried about something.

"You okay Mattie?" You asked as he jumped slightly and cleared his throat.

"What? Yeah yeah I'm good thanks." He mumbled whilst looking around awkwardly. "Did you er- want to o-order something?" He asked whilst stuttering over his words.

"Sure, well actually it depends." You narrowed your eyes at him. "Do you do chicken nuggets?" You asked causing both Jeremy and Tyler to start laughing. "What? Let a girl have her chicken nuggets without being judged." You huffed as Matt went off to tell the chef your order. After a while he came back out with a plate of hot chicken nuggets with fries and ketchup that smelt amazing.

"There you go." He smiled at you as he placed the plate down in front of you, Tyler went to grab one but you slapped his hand away.

"You guys don't get to have any because you mocked me for ordering them, thanks by the way Matt they smell delicious." You spoke as Tyler pouted slightly and Jeremy groaned.

"Y/N you're so mean!" Tyler cried out dramatically making you laugh. You continued to eat the mouth watering chicken nuggets until they were sadly all gone.

"Right I'm off." You spoke as you pushed the now empty plate away from you.

"No!" The three guys shouted in unison at you as you started to rise off the stool. This gave you hope that maybe they had just been tricking you this whole time and were about to wish you happy birthday.

"Uh, w-why do you have to go?" Matt asked, abolishing all of your hope that you'd had for them remembering.

"Because I have things to do." You responded before turning to leave, you'd never felt more let down by the people you called 'friends.'

You didn't think it was too much effort to just say a simple happy birthday, you weren't expecting anything too extravagant.

You walked out of the front of the grill and made your way to your parked car, it was already getting dark out as you swiftly walked over to the nearly empty carpark. You felt like crying at the fact that it seemed nobody cared and you bravely held in the tears as you drove home, keeping your promise to save the tears for your pillow.

As you pulled into your drive, you got out of the car and could have sworn that you'd heard voices from inside your house. You neared the door to find that it was already open slightly, you could feel your heart beat and breathing quicken as you pushed it open.

The hallway was dark and you put your bag down slowly before walking towards the light switches, however before you could get there the lights suddenly flicked on. You were blinded for a moment before people came into focus.

"SURPRISE!" Your ears rang as everyone shouted it and laughed at the same time, you looked around the room in shock as you recognised the faces of your friends and loved ones.

You started to laugh and put a hand on your chest as you began to calm your breathing down, Elena, Bonnie and Caroline walked over to you whilst smiling widely.

"I thought you all forgot!" You squealed and hugged the three of them, over Elena's shoulder you could see Damon by a table spiking a punch bowl that you guessed Caroline spent ages perfected. He caught your eye as you both smiled, he nodded to you and slightly raised the bottle of bourbon in his hand.

"Happy birthday Y/N!" Stefan smiled at you as you broke away from your girly group hug.

"Thanks Stef!" You couldn't stop smiling as you turned to see all of the Mikaelson siblings here as well. Whoever had organised this had gone to the trouble of inviting them, despite not all of them getting along with the rest of you.

"DAMN IT! MATT WE MISSED THE SURPRISE!" Jeremy yelled from the front door as the three guys from the grill came barging in making you laugh.

"NOO!" Matt sighed and came over to you before engulfing you in a huge hug.

"This is why you drive faster Matt!" Tyler spoke whilst shaking his head. After Matt pulled away, you were immediately pulled into an even stronger bone crushing hug by Tyler. "Happy birthday, now you can see why it was none of your business back at the grill." He chuckled whilst smiling widely at you.

"Thanks Ty." You beamed back at him as he walked off to join the party, Matt had set up a speaker and plugged his phone into it.

The party was quite messy yet extremely fun and surprisingly drama free. You felt like you had the best friends in the whole world and wouldn't change them for anyone, except for maybe Michael Clifford.


Haha sorry I had to at the end :p

So thanks again for 100k! I'm still amazed by it and I love every one of you that's read this book!

Stay Weird


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