86 • Stefan

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For AkshitaSri , hope it's okay :D Sorry about the wait

Imagine being best friends with Stefan, but that all changes after one night.


You and Stefan had always been close, in fact best friends. You'd go to him if you were having trouble with something, it could be anything because the two of you were so open with each other, and vice-versa.

However lately something else seemed to flutter up in your stomach whenever Stefan looked at you or you looked at him. It was something more than friendship, but you wouldn't call it love. Would you?

It was a strange mix that was beginning to hurt your head. As if the feelings that you felt for Stefan were growing each day and almost poisoning the platonic base of your friendship.

You were feeling extremely excited yet anxious when you knocked on the Salvatore Boarding house's door. It was Elena's birthday and the Salvatore's were having a small gathering to celebrate it. You smiled widely when Stefan opened the door, giving him a small hug before stepping inside. Most people were already here, so you took off your coat and walked over to Caroline.

"Hey Care." You smiled at her as she beamed back.

"Hey Y/N, you look amazing." She gasped as you laughed and shook your head.

"Thanks but so do you." You replied and noticed the table of drinks. You quickly grabbed the nearest bottle of god knows what and took a large gulp, feeling it burn down your throat.

"Woah slow down there." Caroline laughed as you shrugged. "So doesn't Stefan look good tonight." She added as you frowned at her.

"What do you mean?" You narrowed your eyes at her as she laughed.

"Y/N I'm going to be totally honest okay?" She asked and you nodded for her to go ahead. "I know that you like him, it's kind of obvious, but it's also really cute. I think that you just need to tell him because who knows, he might feel the same." She shrugged as you rolled your eyes, shaking your head.

"Thanks Care, but I don't think he does." You sighed out as she gave you a small pout before her eyes lit up. "I have an idea."

"No." You replied, knowing that it wouldn't be very discreet, because well...it's Caroline.

"Guys let's play a game!" Caroline spoke louder and everyone nodded before walking over to us. "7 minutes in heaven." Caroline smiled devilishly at you as you shook your head and laughed.

"Okay fine." You spoke and all of you gathered in a circle.

"Stefan start." Caroline gestured to him and he spun the bottle.

It went round and round before slowing down and landing on...

"Y/N!" Caroline squealed as the bottle faced you, you just laughed before taking a final swig from your bottle and standing up. Stefan just smiled lightly as the two of you walked over to Damon's room because it was the closest. You already knew that nothing would happen, it was Stefan. The two of you had been so close for ages, so you weren't exactly going to sever this bond with just a stupid immature game.

After you were both inside, you heard the sound of the door locking and then Matt's voice.

"Okay guys timer's starting now, you have 7 minutes." Matt called into the room as you laughed and shook your head.

Then it was silent.

You turned to Stefan and raised an eyebrow, noticing how far away from you he was stood.

"So this is gunna be fun." You joked sarcastically as he hummed in agreement. "What are we going to do for 7 minutes then?" You questioned out loud.

"I don't know." Stefan sighed and sat down on the bed, you did the same thing. Although you couldn't stop noticing just how nervous and anxious Stefan seemed to be.

I think that you just need to tell him because who knows, he might feel the same. Caroline's words were echoing in your mind as you frowned at Stefan.

"Stefan are you alright?" You asked as he seemed to snap his head up.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I'm great." He nodded slightly too enthusiastically, as if he was convincing himself more than he was convincing you.

"Okay..." You muttered with a frown, sighing loudly as the dense silence fell across the room once more.

"Actually no." Stefan spoke standing up, you furrowed your eyebrows up at him.

"No what?" You questioned in confusion.

"I'm not alright." He spoke as you too rose in concern for him.

"Well what's wrong?" You asked as he looked down, eyes searching the ground as if it held the answer for how to phrase his words.

"I-I...uh I." Stefan stuttered before looking up at you, staring you dead in the eyes. "Fuck it." He muttered under his breath before stepping forwards and cupping your face in his hands, leaning in and pressing his soft lips tightly to yours.

Your eyes widened in surprise, still waiting for it to register in your mind what was going on. However you melted into his touch and immediately kissed back, moving your lips against his. The need in the kiss was evident, it seemed as though it was a long time coming, yet it was also passionate and loving. Two words you had never thought to use when describing your friendship with Stefan.

However you knew that you'd be lying if you said that you weren't enjoying this, you were just still in complete shock and amazement that Stefan had taken the risk.

He moved you back slightly until you had to pull away as the bed was right behind you. You lowered yourself onto the bed and attached your lips to his once more as he climbed on top of you.

It was all becoming so heated very fast, you mind and judgement being clouded by the warm feeling that Stefan's touch was creating.

"Time up!" Caroline shouted as she burst into the room, her eyes wide and she broke into a huge smile. "See didn't I tell you both that you liked each other." She laughed as you looked at Stefan, realising that Caroline must have given him the same talk before you had arrived. "Well I'll leave you two to it." She laughed slightly before closing the door, you could hear her telling everyone in the other room.

"Is what she said true?" Stefan spoke whilst smiling down at you as you nodded.

"Yes, I was just so scared of making it awkward and ruining our friendship if you'd have said no and-" You were cut off by Stefan placing a tender kiss to your lips.

"Y/N I-I love you." Stefan blurted out as your heart skipped a beat. "I have for a while and I guess that I felt the same, our friendship was so strong that I didn't want to break it." He shrugged as you laughed lightly.

"I guess we just both should say how we feel more often." You laughed lightly as he nodded. "I love you too Stefan." You spoke before leaning in to kiss him again.


Awwww so a very fluffy one aha, hope you guys liked it :D

Stay Weird


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