43 • Klaus

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For Stan_Fan_Eminem

Imagine being attacked by a hybrid and Klaus saving you.


Being anything in Mystic Falls was dangerous, there always seemed to be one thing that was more powerful than you. When you're human, it's basically every supernatural being. When you're a vampire, it's werewolves and hybrids. However you could never think of anything that could be more powerful than a hybrid.

You're a vampire, and quite an old one at that. You'd seen countless times friends, enemies and even members of your own families fall victim to the power that those beasts have over you.

One bite and you're dead.

The motto that you lived by in order to stay alive. Trying to avoid getting in the way of wolves when it's a full moon, and not pissing off hybrids ever also helped to ensure your survival.

Although sometimes it doesn't matter how much you avoid the creatures, sometimes they'll seek you out.

You were currently walking through the woods, in dire need of some quiet time alone to clear your head.

The originals had returned to Mystic Falls which absolutely terrified you, they always brought trouble with them wherever they went.

The memories came back as you thought about the event that had just occurred moments ago.


A knock at the door made you groan, you were trying to have a lazy day where nobody disturbed you. It wasn't going well so far. You opened the door with a shock.

The person who you never wanted to see again but at the same time longed to see again stood on your porch. Klaus.

You had some history with him over a century ago when you first met him. There were a few sparks, but your stubborn personalities clashed too much for anything to move further.

You stood speechless as Klaus smirked at you devilishly, you didn't understand that after all these years you'd meet again.

"Hello love."

"W-what are you doing here?" You breathed out in complete confusion.

"Just thought I'd pop by and say hi." He chuckled but stopped when you didn't laugh. "It's been a long time." He sighed and moved closer towards the doorframe. "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"No." You replied bluntly and shut the door, you couldn't speak to him. It was too much, too many old memories flared up. You didn't want to revisit the times when you used to care so deeply for the man that had just had your door slammed in his face.

After waiting for a few Klaus to finally leave, you turned and ran out of the back door. You kept running until you were at the forest and stopped to catch your breath.


That's how you were now walking through the woods, trying to block out all past memories of when you were younger and stupid. You even knew at the time that it was stupid to fall in love with an original. He still thought about you over a century later, that's what scared you.

Unknowing to you was that two of Klaus' hybrids had been following you the entire time, not letting you out of their sights as they stalk you like prey.

They wanted to get back at Klaus for what he's done to them, turned them into hybrids and taken away their will power with the sire bond. They knew about you, how you were once the only thing that could penetrate the original hybrids stone heart. How truly deep down he did care for you, the feelings had never left him. He was just good at burying them.

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