94 • Klaus

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For tashaisnotonfire , hope you enjoy :D

Imagine being on the run from Klaus and him finally tracking you down in Mystic Falls to pay the debts you owe him...


"Found you love." An all too familiar voice speaks from behind you as you walk down the empty dark road. 

It was him.

He'd found you.

After decades of running.

You knew that eventually this day would come, you couldn't run forever.

But you tried. 

You did owe him after all. Multiple debts in fact. Some that were too large to repay. So you ran. Looking back on it now it probably wasn't the best idea to run from Klaus, to betray him. However it was too late now. 

You couldn't go back. 

So you'd kept running.

But now you knew what was going to happen, you'd accepted it. If you'd thought the debts before had been hard to pay off, they would be near impossible now. Added with the fact that he'd now class you as a traitor. You were as good as dead.

You just wished that things were like how they had been in the 20's. 

[Chicago, 1920]

You sauntered across the dance hall in your elegant silver dress, your hair curled up and makeup applied perfectly. The jazz band played merrily as people danced about in their finest clothes, the atmosphere was hot from the amount of people in the room but not unpleasant. You moved swiftly across the room and towards the bar, leaning on the marble surface and ordering a cocktail. 

"Alone love?" A voice questioned as you felt someone move to stand next to you at the bar, you turned and raised an eyebrow. The guy was wearing a posh suit with his dirty blonde hair pushed back, he smirked at you as you nodded.

"Yep." You replied and stared straight ahead, taking in the scene of the entire room before you. You then turned as your drink was ready and thanked the bar tender. "I don't need to pay for this." You compelled him as the poor guy nodded and walked off to serve the next customer, you turned back and smiled at your next potential meal that stood next to you. 

"Nice." The guy nodded as you sipped at the drink in your hand. "Might I advice that next time you be more discreet about compelling people though." He smirked as your eyes widened and you turned to him. So maybe he wasn't going to be your next meal.

"You know what I am?" You questioned as the guy nodded and laughed slightly.

"Love I'm the reason that you are what you are." He spoke causing you to frown.

"How come?" Now you were fully facing him, with all of your attention and curiosity focused on him.

"Because I'm an original." Your eyes widened at his words, you'd heard about them but never thought that you'd get to meet one. "Klaus Mikaelson." He nodded to you as your mouth formed an 'O' shape.

"Natasha." You smiled back and swiftly finished off your drink.

You spent the rest of the night talking and getting to know Klaus, even some flirting was exchanged occasionally. It wasn't until you realised that you hadn't fed all day did you stop talking to him.

"I'm really sorry but I need to find someone to eat." You giggled slightly as you swayed, having slightly too much to drink.

"Let me help you." Klaus smirked as you both stalked around the full venue, searching for the perfect victim. You were mainly glancing through the different guys as Klaus split apart to widen the search, however there weren't many that took your fancy. You could be quite picky when it came to who you drank from. You sighed and suddenly jumped when a hand touched your shoulder, you turned to see Klaus holding up a girl.

She looked young, pretty, blood already drying on her neck where Klaus had bitten into her. You could smell it from where you stood and the blood did smell incredible, but Klaus had already drunk from her.

"What do you think?" Klaus questioned as the two of you walked over to a secluded table in the corner.

"You've already drunk from her." You pointed out as he only smirked.

"And? I'm willing to share, come on." He gestured to the untouched side of the girls neck, you leant down and felt your fangs protruding. You didn't waste anytime and sunk your sharp teeth into the soft flesh, the blood rushed into your mouth and you closed your eyes as you relished in the taste. You could feel Klaus watching you as you fed greedily, until suddenly you felt him too drink from the other side of her neck. The two of you swiftly draining her body as she fell lifeless.

"That was amazing, how'd you she'd taste so good?" You questioned as you wiped your mouth of the liquid.

"I have my ways." He shrugged.

"Man I owe you for that, the people around here are so hit and miss; some of them don't taste too bad but some taste awful." You laughed as he smirked lightly. 

Little did you know that was the beginning. The beginning of a fling with an original vampire. But also the beginning of the countless debts that have added up over the years. 

[Present Day]

"Time to stop running." Klaus smirked as you turned around to face him, terror struck and shaking slightly.

"Fine." You nodded. "I'm sorry, I just don't want to die." You breathed out as he neared you.

"Well love it seems you've had a long streak of luck these past decades." Klaus spoke sickeningly sweet as you gulped, nodding slightly. He was inches from you now, as if after all of these years of running the first thing that he'd do to you is kiss you. "But I'm afraid this isn't your lucky day." He smirked as you frowned at him.

Suddenly his hand flew up and pushed into your chest causing you to gasp, the blood oozed from the wound as you felt his strong hand close around your heart. 

How ironic, you thought, the man that you had once loved was now physically and mentally ripping your heart out. Your feelings for one another had been destroyed the second that you had decided to run. But now he'd caught up to finish you off entirely.

You let out a short last breath as Klaus pulled his hand out, taking your heart with it. Your body instantly wasn't responding, the world was spinning and your mind was swiftly shutting down. At some point you fell to the ground, you couldn't remember feeling the pain of it though. All you could see was white, it was blinding your eyes and clouding over your body as you fell still. Lifeless. Dead.


Ahhhh I liked writing this one, it was really cool. Just a reminder that requests are closed now for this book!

Stay Weird


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