20 • Stefan

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I had quite a few requests for a part 2 of my previous Stefan imagine, so here it is :D
I hope you all like it, especially Skye_Sugg because they originally requested this imagine.


You woke up the next morning with a heavy heart when you thought about the events of the previous night. After sleeping on the matter, you decided that you and Stefan probably were better off close friends.

Yes he was kind and caring towards you, but you weren't sure you could see it in any other way than a mutual friendship.

You imagined that dating Stefan could be great, if you were the right girl. Another thing holding you back was the whole Katherine/ Elena drama, it wasn't an ideal situation.

However seeing that Elena's with Damon and Katherine's dead, that didn't seem to be a major problem. At the moment.

You wouldn't be surprised if Katherine came back, this was Mystic Falls we're talking about. There's always some kind of way out of every life or death situation.

You slowly rolled out of bed and got ready for the upcoming day, it was going to be very boring. Although you'd promised Elena, Bonnie and Caroline that you'd go to the grill for lunch with them, so at least there was that to look forward to.

After you were ready and had gone downstairs to make some toast, the doorbell rang. You groaned before going to answer it, probably the post man.

"Hey Skye." Stefan spoke timidly, definitely not the postman.

"Oh h-hi." You spoke a bit quieter than usual. "Do you want to come in?"

"No it's uh, it's fine. I just wanted to apologise for my weird behaviour last night, sorry if it made you uncomfortable." He explained and you smiled slightly at how caring he was. However you could tell that he hadn't come all the way to your house to just say sorry, he would have said it over the phone or text.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." You smiled trying to lighten the mood. "Is there anything else bothering you?"

"Ugh...." He hesitated for a little bit too long, as if contemplating something. "N-no it's fine." He stuttered and tried to smile after.

"Okay then, well I have to get ready because I'm going to the grill with the girls for lunch." You spoke and he nodded slowly.

"Alright well I'll see you around then." He murmured and looked down before turning to leave.

"Bye Stefan." You whispered and closed the door, quickly you went to the window that looked out at the front drive. Stefan went and sat in his car with his head in his hands, he looked defeated and you felt bad for him. Finally he pulled himself together before driving off and out of sight.

You breathed out and headed upstairs to get some shoes and a bag. Although it was a bit early and you still had two hours before you were due to meet them at the grill, you wanted to drive around for a bit to clear your head.

After you thought that you looked presentable to the outside world, you walked back downstairs and out the door. It was quite hot outside but you didn't mind. Once you'd got inside your car and started the engine, you slid your window down and the cool breeze felt welcoming.

You drove for a while just listening to the radio and letting your hair go a bit crazy in the wind. It felt good to just have some time to yourself without anybody around and to try and figure out what to do with the whole Stefan situation.

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