44 • TVD main characters & Something cool

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Hey everyone :D
So I wrote a few chapters ago that I have a NEW STORY in the works for you guys.
It's different from anything else on Wattpad and I can't wait for you all to read it.

Called: B A D L A N D S

You get to decide your own fate by picking what happens in the story, I'm very excited for it and hope that you all enjoy following your own path!

I'm publishing the first chapter tonight which is not a deciding your own fate one. When it gets 20+ votes, then I'll say a date that I'll be publishing the rest of the story :D (vote on the chapter called 00, not the rules)

Thanks so much for reading guys you all are absolutely amazing!!


Imagine being trapped in Augustine and all of your friends helping you out.


The loud sound of something heavy being dropped splintered the air and rocked you out of the unwilling sleep you'd been forced into. Your head hurt as you slowly opened your eyes, squinting in the poor light as everything was obscured by metal bars.

Confused, you sat up to get a better look at where you were. The pounding in your head fading slightly the more you moved, a burning desire for blood was already starting to build up inside of you. With no indication of the time or place you were, you tried to recall the last thing that you could remember.

One second you were walking back to your car after visiting Elena, Bonnie and Caroline's dorm, the next someone was stabbing something cold into your neck. Vervain.

You eyes widened as you realised that you'd been taken. Now you just had to figure out where you were. The sudden sound of footsteps entered your hearing as they got closer and closer, a dark figure stood on the other side of the bars.

"Hello 21061." You recognised the voice from somewhere, they sounded oddly familiar.

"Where am I?" You asked as he chuckled.

"That's not important." He said.

"Yes it is." You snapped, causing the man to laugh and step forward. You looked up and your eyes widened as you could see clearer who it was. Wes Maxfield.

You knew him because he teaches at the college, Elena was speaking with him once when you had visited.

"Why am I here?" You groaned and looked around, someone was on the floor in the cell next to yours but they weren't moving.

"Oh don't worry, they'll wake up in a few hours." He spoke and you frowned at what he meant. "For now, you're coming with me." He unlocked your cell and walked in.

Normally you would have been able to get up, snap his neck and be gone within 3 seconds, however the vervain was still thick in your system making you weak. You could barely stand, let alone speed away. You wanted to build up your energy, so you just let him drag you to wherever it was that he was taking you.

Eventually he placed you on a cold metal table, and strapped down your arms and legs. You were confused as to what was going on and wanted to protest but only a groan escaped your lips.

"Shh this is all in the name of science, it's for the greater good." He murmured as he put on some latex gloves, grabbing a scalpel once they were on. Your eyes widened as you tried to protest, but it was no use.

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